가정과 교사의 중.고등학교 가정관리 교육내용에 대한 수업요구도와 관련변수에 관한 연구

Educational Needs Related to Home Management Perceived by Secondary Home Economics Teachers

  • 발행 : 1995.06.01


The purpose of the study were to :(1)determine important home management concepts in the secondary home economics education curriculum, (2) identify the educational needs related to home management perceived by home economics teachers, and the factors affecting it. (3) use the findings to make recommendations for developing home economics curriculum and teaching home economics in the secondary school. The questionnaires were distributed to the 385 home economics teachers, lived in seoul, local cities and rural area. The data were analyzed by using descriptive statistics, t-test one way ANOVA with scheffe test, factor analysis, and multiple regression analysis. Forty home management concepts were selected based on the related literatures. Resource use, environmental concerns, consumer rights and consumer problems were the concepts which showed the highest level of educational needs perceived by the teachers. The educational needs were affected by school level, residence area of the respondents, age, career, and other factors related to the perception about home management education.



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