계층적 Hopfield 신경 회로망을 이용한 Optical Flow 추정

Optical Flow Estimation Using the Hierarchical Hopfield Neural Networks

  • 김문갑 (대우중공업 특별사업본부 전자기술실) ;
  • 진성일 (경북대학교 전자공학과)
  • 발행 : 1995.03.01


This paper presents a method of implementing efficient optical flow estimation for dynamic scene analysis using the hierarchical Hopfield neural networks. Given the two consequent inages, Zhou and Chellappa suggested the Hopfield neural network for computing the optical flow. The major problem of this algorithm is that Zhou and Chellappa's network accompanies self-feedback term, which forces them to check the energy change every iteration and only to accept the case where the lower the energy level is guaranteed. This is not only undesirable but also inefficient in implementing the Hopfield network. The another problem is that this model cannot allow the exact computation of optical flow in the case that the disparities of the moving objects are large. This paper improves the Zhou and Chellapa's problems by modifying the structure of the network to satisfy the convergence condition of the Hopfield model and suggesting the hierarchical algorithm, which enables the computation of the optical flow using the hierarchical structure even in the presence of large disparities.
