중규모 바람장 해석을 위한 Fine Mesh Model의 구성

Composition of Fine Mesh Model for Explication of Mesoscale Wind Field

  • 발행 : 1995.06.01


To predict reasonably the movement and the concentration of the pollutants in the coastal area. A simulation model should be prepared considering detail topography with land-sea and the urban effects, and the resolution near the source. The explicit method can not be applied due to the instability of the numerical calculation in high horizontal-grid resolution, while the ADI scheme satisfied with the high horizontal grid resolution and can be used in the fine mesh system which shows the detail topography, atmospheric flow The ADI method which studied the high horizontal grid resolution was excellent. The two dimensional model used in the study using ADI method is proved as a reasonable model to predict the wind field in any small scale area including mountainous coastal urban area.



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