Canopy를 고려한 대기오염물질의 건성침적모델에 관한 연구

A Study on the Dry Deposition Model of Air Pollutants Considering Canopy Effect

  • 이화운 (부산대학교 대기과학과) ;
  • 박종길 (부산대학교 대기과학과, 인제대학교 환경학과)
  • 발행 : 1995.06.01


A numerical model has been developed to predict the deposition of air pollutants considering canopy effect. In this model, the deposition velocity is calculated using the deposition resistances(aerodynamic resistance, viscosity resistance, surface resistance). Using the results, a comparative study was made between the model calculation and observation results. The calculated daily variation of deposition resistances and in daytime most of the model cases are well agreed with observation results, and a slight difference was found in nighttime. From the results, it is suggested that the present model is capable of estimating the deposition velocity of air Pollutants considering characteristics of canopy layer.



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