- 이대 석사학위 논문 부부의 공동의사결정시 내재된 갈등과 갈등관리행태에 관한 연구 길미령
- 이대 석사학위 논문 결혼초기 주부의 역할갈등 및 갈등해결방법과 결혼만족도 김은정
- 계명대 석사학위논문 대안간 갈등해결에 관한 프로그램개발 손정필
- 사랑과 행복에의 초대 양은순
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- 계명대 석사학위논문 상담사례에 나타난 부부갈등문제 및 대응행동분석-전화상담을 중심으로 이미영
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- 한국가정관리학회지 v.9 no.2 한국도시남편이 지각한 부부권력과 정에 관한 연구 이정연
- 한국가정관리학회지 v.12 no.2 기혼남녀의 부부간 문제해결행동유형 최혜경;노치영
- Family interaction Bahr,S.J.
- Family science (preliminary edition) Burr,W.R.;Day,R.D.;Bahr,K.S.
- Journal of Persnality and Social Psycology v.66 no.1 Situational coping and coping diposition in a stressful transaction Carver,C.S.;Scheier,M.F.
- Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology v.59 no.3 Communication, conflict, and psychological distance in nondistressed, clinic, and divorcing couples Christensen,A.;Shenk,J.L.
- Hnadbook of Family Therapy The interaction of marital therapy with sessions with family of orgin Framo,J.l.;A.S.Gurman(Eds.);D.P.Kniskern(Eds.)
- Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology v.61 no.6 The role of conflict engagement, escalation, and avoidance in marital interaction: a longitudinal view of five types of couples Gottman,J.M.
- Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology v.57 no.1 Marital interaction and satisfaction: a longitudinal view Gottman,J.M.;Krokoff,L.J.
- Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology v.61 no.1 Gender and conflict structure in marital interaction: a replication and extension Heavey,C.L.;Layne,C.;Christensen,A.
- Journal of Mariage and Family v.57 no.1 Predicting change in marital satisfaction from husbands'and wives' conflict resolution styles Kurdek,L.K.
- Social Casework v.63 no.1 Remending disfunctional marital communication Larsen,J.A.
- Journal of Personality and Social Psychology v.50 no.4 Impact of couple patterns of problem solving on distress and nondistress in dating relationship Rusbult,C.E.;Johnson,D.J.;Morrow,G.D.
- Journal of Mariage and Family v.41 no.1 Measuring intrafamily conflict and violence: the conflict tactics(CT) scales Straus,M.A.