The Effect of Conflict-Coping Types on Marital Satisfaction

부부의 갈등대처유형이 결혼만족도에 미치는 영향

  • 지금수 (전북대학교 생활과학대학 가정관리학과)
  • Published : 1995.12.01


This study discusses whether conflict-coping types of marital couples affect marital satisfaction. There are 5 conflict-coping types of husbands and wives which can be distinguished from each other by attitudes based on partners' answers. Women's conflict-coping types are : compromisors passives apathetics attackers and blamers. Men's conflict-coping types are : reasoners passives jubeniles attackers and volatiles. Each type of husband and wife affects their marital satisfaction. All married coulpes are categorized again by the index of withdraw/demand. As result there is a difference among 3 groups : resoner-husbadn/ any type of wife demand-husband/ withdraw-wife and demand-husband/ demand-wife. In other words when a husband is resoner-husband regardless of the type of wife their marital satisfaction is the highest. And the demand-husband / withdraw-wife type shows a more positive effect on marital satisfaction than the demand-husband/ demand-wife type.



  1. 이대 석사학위 논문 부부의 공동의사결정시 내재된 갈등과 갈등관리행태에 관한 연구 길미령
  2. 이대 석사학위 논문 결혼초기 주부의 역할갈등 및 갈등해결방법과 결혼만족도 김은정
  3. 계명대 석사학위논문 대안간 갈등해결에 관한 프로그램개발 손정필
  4. 사랑과 행복에의 초대 양은순
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  6. 계명대 석사학위논문 상담사례에 나타난 부부갈등문제 및 대응행동분석-전화상담을 중심으로 이미영
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