취업주부의 취업관련 지출과 가정경제에 대한 기여감

Working Wife's Employment-related Expenditures and perception of Economic Contribution to the Family

  • 김혜연 (이화여자대학교 가정관리학과)
  • 발행 : 1995.12.01


The purpose of this study was to investigate working wife's employment-related expenditures and perception of economic contribution to the family and to examine the effects of variables on them, The findings showed that household income had the largest effect on employment-related expenditures of working wives. Working wives perceived their economic contributions to the family positively and the economic situation of wives was important. And domestic and childcare service expenditures had effected on their perceptions.



  1. 동아일보. 3월 24일, 13면 도시근로자가구 김상영
  2. 이화여자대학교 대학원 박사학위논문 취업주부의 비용과 가사노동의 가치인식에 관한 연구 김혜연
  3. 대한가정학회지 v.32 전업주부가 인식하는 주부직의 혜택과 비용에 관한 연구 문숙재;김혜연
  4. 논총 v.59 취업주부의 가사노동사회화 정도 및 비용과 그 평가에 관한 연구 문숙재;성지미
  5. 이화여자대학교 대학원 박사학위논문 기혼여성의 경제활동참가요인에 관한 연구 윤선희
  6. 서울대학교 대학원 박사학위논문 가사노동의 상품대체에 관한 연구 이기영
  7. 대한가정학회지 v.30 도시신혼가계의 주부취업과 경제구조 이기춘;민현선
  8. 한국가정관리학회 연구공모과제 맞벌이 가정의 생활실태와 문제 이연숙;이순형;유가효;조재순
  9. 대한가정학회지 v.31 도시주부의 시간절약서비스 지출과 관련요인 연구 제미경;박명희
  10. 여성관련사회통계 및 지표 한국여성개발원
  11. 사회과학과 정책연구 v.5 직업분석을 위한 계층연구: 한국표준직업분류를 중심으로 홍두승
  12. 가정주부-보이지 않는 노동자들 Andre,R.;한국여성개발원(역)
  13. 여성, 남성, 노동의 경제학 Blau,F.D.;M.A.Ferber;문숙재(공역);김순미(공역);정수희(공역)
  14. JCR v.11 Working wives and expenditures on service Bellante,D.;A.C.Foster
  15. HERJ v.10 Clothing demand in the United States: a cross-section analysis Dardis,R.D.F.;A.Lehfeld
  16. HERJ v.32 Female headed households:impact of family structure in housedhold expenditures for clothing DeWeese,G;Marjorie,J.T.N.
  17. JCR v.3 Cross-National Comparisons and Consumer Stereotypes: A Case Study of Working and Nonworking Wives in the US. and France Douglas,S.P.
  18. JFI v.11 Economic need and wives's employment Eggebeen,D.J.;A.J.Hawkins
  19. Modern Labor Economics Ehrenberg,R.G.;R.S.Smith
  20. Satisfaction with housework: the social context, women and household labor v.5 Ferree,M.M.
  21. Hidden aspects of women's work The struggles of superwoman Ferree,M.M.
  22. JCSHE v.12 Wife's employment and family expenditures Foster,A.C.
  23. HERJ v.11 Housework Time of Wives: Pressure, Facilitators, Constratint Hafstrom,J.L.;V.R.Schram
  24. JMF v.53 The economic costs and rewards of two-earner, two-parent families Hanson,S.J.
  25. JMF v.3 Workload of married women Hefferan,C.
  26. AER v.70 Real income equivalence among one-earner and two-earner families Lazear,E.P.;R.T.Michael
  27. JCR v.10 Buying time and saving time Nickols,S.Y.;K.D.Fox
  28. Lifestyles:FEI v.12 The value of the second income to two-earner families with children Pritchard,M.
  29. FER v.4 Child care arrangements and Expenditures Schwenk,F.N.
  30. AER v.2 Wives labor force behavior and family consumption pattern Strober,M.H.
  31. JCR v.4 Working wives and major family expenditures Strober,M.H.;C.B.Weinberg
  32. The subtle revolution:women at work Women's economic contribution to the family Vickery,C.
  33. HERJ v.18 Expenditures for services, wife's employment, and other household characteristics Yang,S.J.;F.M.Magrabi
  34. Time Use:A Measure of Household Production of Family Goods and Services Walker,K.;M.Woods