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- Journal of Marriages and the Families v.32 no.1 Satisfaction with various aspects of marriage over the life cycle : A random middle class samples Burr,W.R.
- The Quality of Life : Perceptions, Evaluations and satisfaction Campbell,A.;Converse,P.Z.;Rodgers,W.L.
- Journal of Home Economics v.63 no.9 Life satisfaction of middle-aged husbands and wives Hayes,M.P.;Stinnett,N.
- Psychology of women quaterly v.1 Working men and women : Inter -and intra- role conflict Herman,J.E.;Gyllstrom,K.K.
- Journal of Applied Psychology v.56 Some relations between Job and life satisfaction and job importance Iris,B.;Barrett,G.V.
- Time,Goods and Well-Being Preferences for work and Leisure Juster,F.T.;Juster,F.T.(ed.);Stafford,F.P.(ed.)
- Family Relations Role behavior, relative deprivation, and depression among women in one and two-job families Keith,P.M.;Schefer,R.B.
- Journal of Health and Social Behavior v.47 The effect of wives'employment on the mental health of married men and women Kessler,R.;McRae,J.
- Journal of Gerontology v.33 Thirty years of research on the subjective well-being of older americans Larson,L.
- Time management strategies : Relationships to perceived time conflicts and life satisfaction Lee,Yonsuk
- Contemporary Theories about the Family v.I Theorizing about the quality and stability of marriage Lewis,R.A.;Spanier,G.B.;W.R.Burr(ed.);R.Hill(ed.);F.I.Ney(ed.);E.L.Reiss(ed.)
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- Journal of Gerontology v.31 Satisfaction with life among person sixty-five years and older Medley,M.L.
- American Journal of Sociology v.91 Depression and marital power : A equity model Mirowsky,J.
- Journal of Applied Psychology v.63 no.2 Work and nonwork satisfaction : Casual correlation analysis Orpen,C.
- Working Wives/Working Husbands Pleck,J.H.
- Journal of Marriage and the Family v.50 no.Aug Womens' employment and family relations : A review Spitze