The UndrainBd Behavir or of Drilled Shaft Foundations Subjected to Static Inclined Loading

정적 경사하중을 받는 현장타설 말뚝기초의 비배수 거동

  • ;
  • Kulhawy, Fred H. (Professor, School of Civil and Environ mental Engineering)
  • 조남준 (정회원, 국민대학교 공과대학 토목환경공학과) ;
  • Published : 1995.09.01


Drilled shafts are used increasingly as the foundations for many types of structures. However, very little knowledge of drilled shaft behavior under inclined load is available. In this study, a systematic experimental testing program was conducted to understand the undrained behavior of drilled shaft foundations under inclined loads. A semi-theoretical method of predicting the inclined capacity was developed through a parametric study of the variables such as shaft geometry and load inclination. Test parameters were chosen to be representative of those most frequently used in the electric utility industry. Short, rigid shafts with varying depth/diameter(D/B) ratios were addressed, and loading modes were investigated that includes exial uplift, inclined uplift, and inclined compression loads. Capacities were evaluated using the structural interaction formula and an equation developed from this experimental study. This new equation models the laboratory data well and is applicable for the limites field data.

현장타설말뚝기초가 보다 빈번하게 여러가지 구조물의 기초로 쓰이고 있다. 그러나, 경사하중하의 현장타설말뚝의 거동에 대하여는 알려진 사실이 거의 없다. 본 연구에서는, 경사하중을 받는 현장타설말뚝의 비배수거동에 대하여 연구하고자 체계적인 실험을 행하였다. 기초의 직경에 대한 깊이의 비와 하중의 경사도가 같은 변수들을 변화시키면서 행한 연구를 통하여 경사하중에 대한 지지력을 예측하는 반이론적 방법을 개발하였다. 시험변수들은 실제 송전탑건설시 가장 빈번하게 사용되는 대표적인 값들과 같도록 선택되었다. 직경에 대한 말뚝의 깊이비(D/B)가 서로 다른 짧은 강체말뚝에 대하여 논하였으며, 축방향 인발, 경사 인발, 그리고 경사 압축등과 같은 하중상태에 대하여 연구하였다. 경사지지력을 구조상호작용 방정식과 본 실험연구에서 개발한 공식을 사용하여 평가하여 보았다. 본 연구에서 개발한 새로운 공식은 실험실 시험치와, 제한적이나마, 현장의 실제시험치에 적용될 수 있음을 알 수 있었다.



  1. Proceedings, 3rd Budapest Conference on Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering Considerations on the Bearing Capacity of Vertical and Batter Piles Subjected to Forces Acting in Different Directions Awad, A.;Petrasovits, G.
  2. Report MITSG 80-21 Cone Penetration Tests Offshore the Venezuelan Coast Baligh, M.M.;Azzouz, A.S.;Martin, R.T.
  3. Journal of the Soil Mechanics and Foundations Division v.19 no.SM4 Discussion of Piles in Cohesionless Soil Subject to Oblique Pull Broms, B.B.
  4. Canadian Geotechnical Journal v.20 no.4 Ultimate Capacity of Rigid Single Piles under Inclined Loads in Sand Chari, T.R.;Meyerhof, G.G.
  5. Report TR-104999 Experimental Study of Undrained Behavior of Drilled Shafts During Static and Cyclic Inclined Loading Cho, N.J.;Kulhawy, F.H.
  6. Bulletin no.28 A Revised Extended Formula for Bearing Capacity Hansen, J.B.
  7. Report EL-5915 Conduct and Interpretation of Load Test on Drilled Shaft Foundations: Detailed Guidelines Hirany, A.;Kullhawy, F.H.
  8. Journal of Geotechnical Engineering Division v.115 no.GT11 Field Tests on Bored Piles Subject to Axial and Oblique Pull Ismael, N.F.
  9. Canadian Geotechnical Journal v.23 no.2 Analysis of Bearing Capacity of Rigid Piles under Eccentric and Inclined Loads Koumoto, T.;Meyerhof, G.G.;Sastry, V.V.R.N.
  10. Report EL-6800 Manual on Estimating Soil Properties for Foundation Design Kulhawy, F.H.;Mayne, P.W.
  11. Report EL-2870 Transmission Line Structure Foundations for Uplift Compression Loading Kulhawy, F.H.;Trautmann, C.H.;Beech, J.F.;O'Rourke, T.D.;McGuire, W.;Wood, W.;Capano, C.
  12. Journal of Geotechnical Engineering Division v.108 no.GT6 K。-OCR Relationships in Soil Mayne, P.W.;Kulhawy, F.H.
  13. Construction and Building Materials v.8 no.2 Microconcrete for Model Drilled Shaft Foundations Mayne, P.W.;Hover, K.C.;Kulhawy, F.H.
  14. Report TR-100221 Experimental Study of Undrained Lateral and Moment Behavior of Drilled Shafts During Static and Cyclic Inclined Loading Mayne, P.W.;Kulhawy, F.H.;Trautmann, C.H.
  15. Report El-7161 Cyclic Axial Loading of Drilled Shaft Foundations in Cohesive Soil for Transmission Line Structures McManus, K.J.;Kulhawy, F.H.
  16. Canadian Geotechnical Journal v.1 no.1 Some Recent Research on the Bearing Capacity of Foundations Meyerhof, G.G.
  17. Canadian Geotechnical Journal v.10 no.1 Uplift Capacity of Foundations under Oblique Loads Meyerhof, G.G.
  18. Canadian Geotechnical Journal v.18 no.2 The Bearing Capacity of Rigid Piles and Pile Groups under Inclined Loads in Clay Meyerhof, G.G.
  19. Canadian Geotechnical Journal v.9 no.4 Bearing Capacity of Rigid Piles Under Inclined Loads in Sand, Ⅰ: Vertical Piles Meyerhof, G.G.;Ranjan, G.
  20. Proceedings, 36th Canadian Geotechnical Conference The Bearing Capacity of Rigid Piles and Pile Groups under Eccentricity and Inclined Loads in Clay Meyerhof, G.G.;Yalcin, A.S.
  21. Report EL-5507 A Probability-Based Geotechnical Site Characterization Strategy for Transmission Line Structures Spry, M.J.;Kulhawy, F.H.;Grigoriu, M.D.
  22. Ph.D. Thesis, University of Sheffield A Laboratory Study of the Factors Influencing the Development of Shaft Adhesion on Bored Piles in Clays Sulaiman, J.I.
  23. Foundation Engineering Handbook Bearing Capacity of Shallow Foundations Vesic, A.S.;H. Winterkorn(ed.);H.Y. Fang(ed.);Van Nostrand Reinhold
  24. Report TR-101131 Experimental Study of Drained Behavior of Drilled Shafts During Static Inclined Loading Vidic, S.;Kulhawy, F.H.;Trautmann, C.H.
  25. Report TR-103597 Experimental Study of Drained Behavior of Drilled Shafts During Cyclic Inclined Loading Vidic, S.;Kulhawy, F.H.;Trautmann, C.H.
  26. Journal of the Soil Mechanics and Foundations Division v.90 no.SM6 Piles in Cohesionless Soil Subject to Oblique Pull Yoshimi, Y.