노인동거가족의 주택내 스트레스에 관한 연구

A Study on the Stress in Housing of a Three generation Family

  • 발행 : 1995.06.01


The purpose of this research is to discribe the stress in housing of a three generation family. Data were collected through a questionnaire survey form 467 housewives living in a three generation family households. Major finding were as follow: The female elderly was the most popular type. Married children tended to live together with the forced feeling of responsibility rather than with a volunteering attitude. Many good points steming from three generations living together. however, were recognized by the housewives. This will provide suport to reevaluationg the value of the elderly in this industrial society. The felt stress and expressed various undesirable behavioral adjustments and constraints in relation to the stress. Several planning concepts including privacy, storage space, and soundproof were suggested to enchance the quality of residential environment for the family.



  1. 한국노년학 v.10 노인의 정신건강과 부양의 완충작용에 관한 연구 서미경
  2. 연세논총 v.28 삼대가족의 생활상 이연숙
  3. 현대사회의 노인문제 임춘식
  4. 한국노년학 v.10 부모자녀간의 결속도와 노부모의 인생만족도 조병은
  5. Moving Experience: Memories of Favorite Homes Anthony, K.H.
  6. The Built Environment as Influence or Personality and Social Behavior: A Spatial Study Bagle, C.
  7. Some Housing Factors Related to Mental Hygiene Chapin, F.S.
  8. Resources in Education Influences of Life Cycle Stage on Family Social Climat and Attitudes toward the Residential Environment Inman, M.
  9. Family Process v.15 A Typology of family Social Environment Moos, R.;B. Moos
  10. Self Space. and Shelter: Introduction to Housing Newmark, N.I.;P.J. Thompson