A Basic Study for the Improvement Project of Housing Environment in the Cheju Island Region the Era of Globalization

지방화시대에 따른 제주지역의 주환경 개선 사업에 관한 기초 연구

  • Published : 1995.06.01


Recent opening of the era of local government and management randers study tasks concerning the improvement of the housing conditions by improving the problems in the residential conditions of the cheju Island region so as to help improve the life qualities of this legion make the area as an international resort place, and thus develop the indentify in the heat of the people in this region. The suggestions based on the study for the improvement of housing environment are summarized as follows: (1) To improve the collective housing. housing construction plan shall b made in harmony with the skylines of the Hanra mountain alongside the East-West rides across the long diameter of the oval shape of the Island, which includes 1) the construction of housing complex in harmony with and taking advantage of the natural scene of the area. and 2) the construction of variable housing readjustable in accordance with each family structure of variable housings for multi-families, which are believed not to provide quality housing conditions. Shall be entrained. (2) Encouraging the construction of detached house : 1) construction of housings in which three generations can reside together according to the traditional family structure in the region. 2) construction of the pastoral housings. 3) construction of tenement housings partitioned for each two families. 4) development of sliver town in the rural area. (3) Using the construction mateials produced in the Cheju I land will help promote the development of identity in the heart of the people in this region.



  1. 신한국 지리 姜錫午
  2. 제주도 종합 개발 계획 제주도
  3. 제주 대학교 논문 가족구조와 주거 공간구성에 관한 연구 김혜숙
  4. 한국의 민가 연구 張保雄
  5. 한국의 주거 문화의 역사 姜榮煥
  6. 연세대학교 석사 학위 청구 논문 제주 지역 현대 단독주택의 특성에 관한 연구 梁腱
  7. 국제 1989 단지 계획 설계 방법 Dieter Prinz(著);朴贊茂(監修)
  8. 노인의 주거 환경 건축 자료 연구회(譯)