A Study on the Outdoor Activity , Cognition , Independent Behavior of Infant according to the Physical Character of the Intermediate-Territory at the Group Houses

집합주택 중간영역의 물리적 특성별 유아의 활동 , 인지 , 자립성에 관한 연구

  • Published : 1995.06.01


The purpose of this study is to find out the relation between the outdoor activity and independent behavior of infant and the physical charater of the intermediate-territory. Another purpose is to find out the estimate of infant's mother to the intermediate-territory as the space of the infant's outdoor life. As the result of this study, the following points are confirmed: 1) The outdoor activity, cognition, independent behavior of infant is affected by the physical character of the intermediate-territory. 2) The time and frequency of outdoor activity is affected bu the physical character of the intermediate-territory. 3) The cognition and the boundary of outdoor activity are affected by the physical character of the intermediate-territory. 4) The time of independent behavior is affected by the physical character of the intermediate-territory. 5) The estimate of infant's mother to the intermediate-territory as the space of infant's activity is very bad. The physical environment of intermediate-territory is very poor.



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