The fruit color characteristics and persisting period of deciduous woody landscape plants were investigated through the field survey in Suwon region from January 1, 1992 to March 20, 1993. The summary of the study results was as follows; The total fruit color persisting period was about 320 days from May 1, 1992 when Prunus mume was beginning of fruit coloring, to March 20, 1993 when the fruits of Platanus occidentalis and platanus X acerifolia were persisting. And the plants of fruit persisting period over 60 days after leaf falling were Vibumum erosum, Ilex serrata, Ilex verticillata 'Christmas Cheer', Platanus X acerifolia, Platanus occidentalis, Berberis thunbergii 'Atropupurea', Ligustrum obtusifolium. According to the KBS standard color number, 52.6% of of the fruit color were red, 18.9% yellow, 11.6% black, green 9.5%, white 2.1%, violet 1.1%, and red is followed black 4.2%. Evodia daniellii, Ilex verticillata 'Christmas Cheer', Ilex serrata, Ginkgo biloba, Lindera obtusiloba, and Lindera erythrocarpa should be planted male and female species together for fruits. We got the new information on the fruit color characteritics and persisting period of Malus 'Hopa', Malus 'Almey', Malus 'Pioneer X', Acer rubrum, Malus prunifolia, Pyrus serotina, Berberis thunbergii 'Atropurpurea', Vibumum rhytidophyllum, Rosa spp. Vitis vinifera, Vaccinium angustifolium, Ilex verticillata 'Christmas Cheer', Magnolia stellata, Aronia arbutifolia, Sorbus alnifolia, Lonicera japonica var. aueroreticulta, and Ligustrum X vicaryi. And we need to introduce new cultivars of woody landscape plants including Malus spp, Berberis spp, Sorbus alnifolia yellow autumn leaf clone etc. for the better planting design. The fruit persisting period of woody landscape plants studied by fruit name was that sorosis 276 days, samara 155 days, legume 153 days, hip 133 days, pome was 124 days, drupe 92 days, berry 73 days, capsule 67 days, follicle 55 days and nut 52 days respectively.