- 韓國造景學會 v.23 no.2 <중요도-성취도>분석에 의한 청소년수련시설 운영실태 조사연구 具泰益
- 한강조정/카누경기장개발기본계획 국민체육진흥공단
- 韓國林學會誌 v.80 no.1 重要道-成就道 分析에 의한 公園 經營評價 金星一
- 韓國造景學會誌 v.20 no.2 전주시 도시공원의 이용행태분석 및 관리실태에 대한 만족도 평가에 관한 연구 김세천;허준
- 韓國造景學會誌 v.19 no.4 大邱市 公園錄地의 役割에 관한 硏究(I): 大邱市民의 公園錄地의 價値 分析을 中心으로 金秀峰;金龍洙
- 農業科學硏究(忠北大學校) v.11 no.1 重要道-成就道 分析에 의한 林間學校 敎師의 指尊評價 申元變;Feunekes, Andrea
- 韓國造景學會誌 v.22 no.2 主題公園 서비스質의 測定 尺度 開發에 關한 硏究 嚴端鎬
- 현대의 마케팅과학 유필화
- 京畿大學校 觀光開發學科 碩士學位論文 主題公園의 포지셔닝에 關한 연구 鄭必鏞
- 韓國造景學會誌 v.20 no.2 都市公園의 市場分割에 關한 硏究 洪性權
- Journal of Marketing Research v.10 no.Feb. Consumer dissatisfaction: The effect of disconfirmed expectancy on perceived product performance Anderson, Rolph E.
- Consumer Behavior and Marketing Action Assael, Henry
- Journal of Park and Recreation Administration v.9 no.2 Differentiating high, spurious, latent, and low loyalty participants in two leisure activities Backman, Sheila J.;Crompton, John L.
- Journal of Marketing Research v.19 no.Nov. An investigation into the determinant of customer satisfaction Churchill, Gilbert A.;Surprenant, Carol
- Journal of Leisure Research v.12 no.1 Motivations for leisure Crandall, Rick
- Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science v.13 no.4 An investigation of the relative efficacy of four alternative approaches to importance performance analysis Crompton, John L.;Duray, Nicholas A.
- Marketing Government and Social Service Crompton, John L.;Lamb, Charles, W. Jr.
- Rocky Mountain Forest and Range Experimental Station, USDA Forest Service Recreation Project Item pool for scales designed to quantify the psychological outcomes desired and expected from recreation participation Driver,B.L.
- Journal of Park and Recreation Administration v.3 no.2 The importance performance analysis: An evaluation and marketing tool Guadagnolo, Frank
- Multivariate Data Analysis with Readings Hair, Joseph F. Jr.;Anderson,R.E.;Tatham,R.L.;Black,W.C.
- Financing, Managing and Marketing Recreation & Park Resources Howard, Dennis R.;Crompton, John L.
- Studies in Outdoor Recreation Manning, Robert E.
- Journal of Marketing v.41 no.Jan. Importance-performance analysis Martilla John A.;James, John C.
- Cooperative Park Studies Unit. Texas A&M University, Technical Report No. 3 A Market Oriented Analysis of Visitors to the Lyndon B. Johnson National and State Historical Parks Mills, Allen S.;Wegner, Daniel E.;Fenn, Dennis B.
- Journal of Marketing v.32 no.Oct. Determinant buying attitudes: Meaning and measurement Myers, James H.;Alpers, Mark I.
- Journal of Marketing v.40 no.Apr. Product performance and consumer satisfaction: A new concept Swan, John E.;Combs, Linda Jones
- Journal of Marketing Research v.15 no.Aug. Issues and advances in segmentation research Wind, Yoram
- Journal of Marketing Research v.15 no.Aug. Some practical considerations in market segmentation Young,S.;Ott,L.;Feigin,B.
- Journal of Marketing Research v.20 no.Aug. Modeling consumer satisfaction processes using experience-based norms Woodruff, Robert B.;Cadotte, Ernest R.;Jenkins, Roger L.
- 韓國造景學會誌 v.21 no.4 公園利用者 硏究時, Follow-Up 技法이 郵送調査法에 미치는 影響에 關한 硏究 洪性權
- 韓國造景學會誌 v.22 no.2 當日餘暇用 Recreation施設의 포지셔닝에 關한 硏究: 서울市를 중심으로 洪性權
- 韓國造景學會誌 v.23 no.2 主題公園의 競爭力 提高 方案에 關한 硏究: Hybrid Conjoint Analysis의 適用 洪性權