Modeling consumers'park choice behavior : Review & Applications of choice theory and model

소비자 공원선택행동의 모형화 : 선택이론/모델의 검토와 적용

  • Published : 1995.10.01


This paper intends to identify recreation destination choice process, in particular, considering need/motive theory, recreation opportunity spectrum, information integration theory, and to review critically the status of development of the various modeling approaches. Two attempts are then made to explain consumers' choice begavior of theme park and national park, respectively, applying conjoint model and discrete choice experiment model. Three theme parks and three national parks were selected as study areas, resolution Ⅲ designs were constructed, and data was collected by in-personal interviews on the study areas. The results illustrated the part-worth utilities and the relative importance of the attributes of theme park and national park. In addition, further research directions were discussed.



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