목본식물의 형성층 전기저항에 의한 영구위조점 예측에 관한 연구

A Study on the Prediction of the Permanent Wilting Point in Woody Plant by Cambial Electrical Resistance

  • 김민수 (효성여자대학교 조경학과)
  • 발행 : 1995.01.01


It is important to estimate the possibility of recovery in physiologically damaged woody plant. It is suggested that C.E.R(cambial electrical resistance) might be a useful method to predict the permanent wilting point. D/A and A/D converter can be used to measure the C.E.R and it took only 10-20 msec for a measurement and the values were stable during this study. A computer could be used for the continual measurement of C.E.R. There were very big daily changes of C.E.R. was changed according to the changes of indoor temperature, but the phase was slightly different. It is reasoned that daily changes in C.E.R. is induced by the changes of water potential and cambial thickness. It was difficult to detect the changes of C.E.R. caused by changes in soil moisture under high soil water potential. Under low soil water potential, the changes in soil moisture under high soil water potential. Under low soil water potential, the changes of C.E.R. can be detected. After wilting, C.E.R. is increased very rapidly. When C.E.R. is not decreased by watering, it will be permanent wilting point. But it takes several days to confirm the permanent wilting point. To predict the possibility of recovery from wilting, the values of C.E.R. have no meaning. But the changes of C.E.R. are significant. Therefore we can predict the permant wilting point in woody plant by monitoring the change of C.E.R. by the computer.



  1. 수목생리학 이경준
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