광주시 도시공원의 이용과 공급에 관한 연구

A Study on the Use and Provision of Urban Parks in Kwang Ju City

  • 오병태 (호남대학교 공과대학 조경학과)
  • 발행 : 1995.01.01


Parks in Kwang Ju ar determined by the development of a housing project under the regulations of land development rather than the planning approach of park provision. This study tries to identify who is the provider of parks, to estimate the size of urban parks per person in the area of the housing project, to look at the spatial allocation patterns of park provision and to identify the character profiles of users and the social profile of an ares(Dong). This research has produced the following major conclusions : 1. The city government should set up a master plan of park provision to control park delivery system to avoid maldistribution. 2. A positive discrimination policy should be introduced to disadvantaged areas in terms of park provision. 3. The null hypothesis - there is no relationship between distance and park Use - is rejected by the correlation rate of 0.4984. 4. The ratio of parks per a person ; 10.43㎡/person in 1990 has decreased to 10.41㎡ /person in 1994. This means that the increase of parks in terms of quantity could not catch up the increase of population.



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