의미구조 기반의자기조직형 정보베이스

  • 발행 : 1995.01.01




  1. Similarity and Analogical Reasoning The Mechanisms of Analogical Reasoning D.Gentner
  2. Artificial Intelligence v.20 A Theory and Methodology on Inductive Learning R.S.Michalski
  3. 47th FID Congress The Model for Self Structured Semantic Relationships of Information and Its Advanced Utilization Y.Fujiwara
  4. Ph.D. Thesis, The University of Tsukuba Construction of Semantic Structures in the Self-Organizing Information-Base System W.G.Lee
  5. ACM Transactions on Database Systems v.4 no.4 Extending the Database Relational Model to Capture More Meaning E.F.Codd
  6. Proceedings of SIGMOD'83 The Database Language GEM C.Zaniolo
  7. Proceedings of IEEE International Workshop in Object-Oriented Database Systems PDM: An Object-Oriented Data Model F.Manola;U.Dayal
  8. Proceedings of OOPSLA'86 Encapsulation and Inheritance in Object-Oriented Programming Languages A.Snyder
  9. Proceeding of the 1st ACM Conference on Object-Orient Programming Systems Languages and Applications Development of an Object-Oriented DBMS D.Maier;J.Stein;A.Otis;A.Purdy
  10. Research Directions in Object-Oriented Programming Development and Implementation of an Object-Oriented DBMS D.Maier;J.Stein
  11. ACM TOIS v.5 no.1 Data Model Issue for Object-Oriented Applications J.Banerjee;H.T.Chou;J.F.Garza;W.Kim;D.Woelk;N.Ballou;H.J.Kim
  12. Proceedings of ACM SIGMOD Semantics and Implementation of Schema Evolution in Object-Oriented Databases J.Banerjee;W.Kim;H.J.Kim;Henry F.Korth
  13. Proceedings of OOPSLA'87 Composite Object Support in an Object-Oriented Database System W.Kim;J.Banerjee;H.T.Chou;J.F.Garza;D.Woelk
  14. ACM TOIS v.5 no.1 Iris: An Object-Oriented Database management systems D.H.Fishman;D.Beech;H.P.Cate;E.C.Chow;T.Connors;J.W.Davis;N.Derrett;C.G.Hoch;W.Kent;P.Lyngbaek;B.Mahbod;M.A.Neimat;T.A.Ryan;M.C.Shan
  15. Proceedings of SIGMOD O2, an Object-Oriented Data Model C.Lecluse;P.Richard;F.Velez
  16. 문화정보망 구축계획(안) 이원규;이상헌;김명철;김성훈
  17. 제1회 한국정보관리학회 전국논문대회 하이퍼미디어를 이용한 문화예술 정보검색 김명철(외)
  18. Proceedings of the World Documentation Federation The Hypertext T.H.Nelson
  19. Proceedings of CHI%GI NoteCards in A Nutshell F.G.Halasz;T.P.Moran;R.H.Trigg
  20. Handbook of Human Computer Interation Intelligent Interfaces M.H.Chignell;P.A.Hancock
  21. Communications of the ACM v.37 no.2 Hypermedia System Design Applying the Dexter Model K.Greonbaek;Randall H.Trigg
  22. Communications of the ACM v.31 no.7 Reflections on NoteCards: Seven Issues for the Next Generation of Hypermedia Systems F.G.Halasz
  23. Communications of the ACM v.26 no.12 Extended Boolean Information Retrieval G.Salton;E.A.Fox;H.Wu
  24. Information Technology, Res. Dev. Applications v.3 no.1 Soft Evolution of Boolean Search Queries in Information Retrieval Systems C.P.Paice
  25. Information Systems v.14 no.1 Extended Boolean Query Processing in the Generalized Vector Space Model S.K.M.Wong;W.Ziarko;V.V.Raghavan;P.C.N.Wong
  26. ACM Transactions on Office Information Systems v.6 no.1 Implementing Ranking Stratigies Using Text Signatures W.B.Croft;P.Savino
  27. J. American Society for Information Science Retrieving Records from a Gigabyte of Text on a Minicomputer using Statistical Ranking D.Harman;G.Candela
  28. Information Processing and Management v.24 no.5 Term-Weighting Approaches in Automatic Text Retrieval G.Salton;C.Buckley
  29. Proc. of Ann. Meeting Database Week Application of Abstract Data Types and Abstract Indices to CAD Data M.Stonebraker;B.Rubenstein;A.Guttman
  30. ACM Transactions on Database Systems v.1 no.1 The Entity-Relationship Model: Toward a Unified View of Data P.P.S.Chen
  31. Hypergraphs C.Berge
  32. J. of Society of Information and Knowledge v.3 no.1 Construction of Semantic Structures in the Self-Organizing Information-Base Systems N.Uda;W.G.Lee;Y.Fujiwara
  33. free session contribution to the Fourth Int. Joint Conf. Artificial Intelligence Directed Recursive Labelnode Hypergraphs and their use as Representations for Knowledge H.Boely
  34. Technical Report IFI-HH-M-38 Inst. fuer Informatik A Theory of Representation (-Language,-Constructions, and -Relations) H.Boely
  35. Artificial Intelligence v.9 no.1 Directed Recursive Labelnode Hypergraphs: A New Representation-Language H.Boely
  36. Ph.D. Thesis, The University of Tsukuda Information Analysis for Modeling and Representation of Meaning N.Uda
  37. 44th FID Congress A Dynamic Thesaurus for Intelligent Access to Research Databases Y.Fujiwara;W.G.Lee;Y.Ishikawa;T.Yamaguchi;A.Nishioka;K.Katada;N.Ohbo;S.Fujiwara
  38. Proc. of TKE'93 Management and Advanced Utilization of Semantically Organized Terminology and Knowledge Y.Fujiwara;T.Makino
  39. 13th CODATA Analogical Reasoning in Polymer Information Base Systems Y.Fujiwara;N.Uda;X.Zhang
  40. Proc. of CAMSE'90 Self Organizing Information Systems for Material Design Y.Fujiwara;J.He;G.Chang;N.Ohbo;H.Kitagawa;K.Yamaguchi
  41. 제1회 한국정보관리학회 전국논문대회 의미구조를 기반으로 한 정보모델 강윤희;조성호;이원규
  42. 47th FID Congress A New Thesaurus Structure for Semantic Retrieval G.Rahmstorf;S.Fujiwara(ed.)
  43. 제1회 한국정보관리학회 전국논문대회 시소러스 자동구조화 김해수;이남경;이원규
  44. ACM Transactions on Database Systems v.19 no.1 A Taxonomy for Secure Object-Oriented Databases M.S.Oliver;S.H. Von Solms
  45. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering v.6 no.2 Conceptual Database Evolution Through Learning in Object Databases Q.Li;D.McLeod
  46. ACM Transactions on Information Systems v.12 no.1 A Nested-Graph Model for the Representation and Manipulation of Complex Objects A.Poulovassilis;M.Levene
  47. ACM Transactions on Information Systems v.12 no.1 Probabilistic Information Retrieval as a Combination of Abstraction, Inductive Learning and Probabilistic Assumptions N.Fuhr;U.Pfeifer
  48. Technical Report TR-600 Labeled Graphs as Semantics of Objects H.Yasukawa;K.Yokota