지리정보시스템에서의 공간질의 처리방법

  • Published : 1995.03.01




  1. Proc. VLDB The R+-tree: A Dynamic Index for Multidimensional Object T.Sellis;N.Roussopoulos;C.Faloutsos
  2. Proc. VLDB The LSD-tree: spatial access to multidimensional point and non point objects A.Henrich;H.W.Six;P.Widmayer
  3. Information Systems v.14 no.2 Tri-Cell-A Data Structure for Spatial Objects C.Faloutsos;W.Rego
  4. ACM SIGMOD Record v.19 no.4 Research Issues in Spatial Databases Q.Guenther;A.Buchmann
  5. Proc. ACM SIGMOD'90 The $R^ *$-tree: An Efficient and Robust Access method for Points and Rectangles N.B.;H.P.Kriegel;R.Schneider;B.Seeger
  6. Proc. ACM SIGMOD'90 Linear Clustering of Objects with Multiple Attributes H.V.Jagadish
  7. Proc. ACM SIGMOD'91 Segment Indexes: Dynamic Indexing Techniques for Multidimensional Interval Data C.P.Kolovson;M.Stonebraker
  8. Proc. ACM SIGMOD'92 Parallel R-trees I.Kamel;C.Faloutsos
  9. Proc. IEEE ICDE'92 Distance-Associated Join Indices for Spatial Range Search W.Lu;J.Han
  10. Proc. ACM SIGMOD'92 A Qualitative Comparision Study of Data Structures for Large Line Segment Databases E.G.Hoel;H.Samet
  11. Proc. ACM SIGMOD'93 Efficient Processing of Spatial Joins Using R-trees T.Brinkhoff;H.P.Kriegel;B.Seeger
  12. IEEE TOSE v.14 no.5 PROBE Spatial Data Modeling and Query Processing in an Image Database Application J.A.Orenstein;F.A.Mamola
  13. Proc. 13th VLDB The Design of the POSTGRES Storage System M.Stonebraker
  14. Proc. ACM PODS'94 Beyond Uniformity and Independence: Analysis of R-tree Using the Concept of Fractal Dimension C.Faloutsos;I.Kamel
  15. Proc. 16th VLDB The Buddy-Tree: An Efficient and Robust Access Method for Spatial Database System B.Seeger;Hans P. Kriegel
  16. Journal of VLDB v.3 Dynamic Maintenance of Data Distribution for Selectivity Estimation K.Y.Whang;S.W.Kim
  17. Proc. 18th VLDB CMD: A Multidimensional Declustering Method for Parallel Database Systems J.Li;J.Srivastrava;D.Rotem
  18. Proc. 16th VLDB On Indexing Line Segments H.V.Jagadish
  19. Proc. IEEE ICDE'91 Spatial Join Indices D.Rotem
  20. Proc. ACM SIGMOD'94 Spatial Joins Using Seeded Trees M.L.Lo;C.V.Ravishankar
  21. Proc. 16th VLDB Query Processing for distance Metrics T.L.Whan;D.Shasha
  22. Proc. ACM PODS'94 Towards a Theory of Spatial Database Queries J.Paredaens;J. V. den Bussche;D. Van Gucht
  23. IEEE TOKDE v.6 no.2 Algorithms for Searching Massive Graphs R.Agawal;H.V.Jagadish
  24. IEEE Data Engineering Bulletin v.16 no.3 Efficient Spatial Query processing in Geographic Database Systems Hans-Peter Kriegel;Thomas Brinkhoff;Ralf Schneider
  25. IEEE TOKDE v.6 no.1 Spatial SQL: A Query and Presentation Language M.J.Egenhofer
  26. Fundamentals of Spatial Information Systems R.Laurini;D.Thompson
  27. The Design and Analysis of Spatial Data Structures H.Samet
  28. Applications of Spatial Data Structures H.Samet