실시간 소프트웨어모델링

  • Published : 1995.09.01




  1. Introduction to Real-Time Software Design (2nd Ed.) S.T.Allworth;R.N.Zobel
  2. Software Reusability v.Ⅰ,Ⅱ T.J.Biggerstaff(ed.);A.J.Perlis(ed.)
  3. IEEE Trans. Software Engineering v.12 Object-Oriented Development G.Booch
  4. Object-Oriented Analysis and Design (2nd Ed.) G.Booch
  5. IEEE Computer v.20 no.4 No Silver Bullet : Essence and Accidents of Software Engineering F.P.Brooks
  6. IEEE Trans. Software Engineering v.12 An Overview of JSD J.Cameron
  7. JSP and JSD : The Jackson Approach to Software Development (2nd ed.) J.Cameron
  8. Object-Oriented Analysis (2nd Ed.) P.Coad;Ed Yourdon
  9. Object-Oriented Design P.Coad;ED Yourdon
  10. Communications of the ACM v.34 no.5 Multilevel Specification of Real-Time Systems A.Gabriehan;M.K.Franklin
  11. Communications of the ACM v.34 Communicating Shared Resources : A Model for Distributed Real-Time Systems A.Gerber;I.Lee
  12. Communications of the ACM A Software Design Method for Real-Time Systems H.Gomaa
  13. Proc. 12th Structured Methods Conference Using the DARTS Software Design Method for Real-Time Systems H.Gomaa
  14. The Journal of Systems and Software v.9 A Software Design Method for Distributed Real-Time Applications H.Gomaa
  15. Software Design Methods for Concurrent and Real-Time Systems H.Gomaa
  16. Science of Computer Programming v.8 Statecharts : A Visual Formalism for Complex Systems D.Harel
  17. Proc. 2nd. IEEE Symp. Logic in Computer Science On the Formal Semantics of Statecharts D.Harel;A.Pnueli;J.P.Schmidt;R.Sherman
  18. IEEE Trans. Software Engineering v.16 no.4 STATEMATE : A Working Environment for the Development of Complex Reactive Systems D.Harel(et al.)
  19. IEEE Computer v.25 Biting the Silver Bullet : Towards a Brighter Future for System Development D.Harel
  20. Strategies for Real-Time System Specification D.J.Hatley;I.A.Pirbhai
  21. Principles of Program Design M.Jackson
  22. System Development M.Jackson
  23. IEEE Trans. Software Engineering v.20 no.12 Modechart : A Specification Language for Real-Time Systems F.Jahanian;A.K.Mok
  24. Systematic Software Development Using VDM C.B.Jones
  25. The Journal of Systems and Software Real-Time Systems Design Methodologies : An Introduction and a Survey K.M.Kavi;S.M.Yang
  26. Real-Time Systems : Abstractions, Languages, and Design Methodologies K.M.Kavi(Ed.)
  27. Proc. COMPSAC'94 A Real-Time Object Model RTO.k and an Experimental Investigation of its Potentials K.H.Kim;H.Kopetz
  28. ACM Computing Surveys v.24 no.2 Software Reuse C.W.Krueger
  29. IEEE Trans. Commun. Recoverability of Communication Protocols-Implications of a Theoretical Study P.M.Merlin;A.Segall
  30. Structured Systems Development K.Orr
  31. Proc. 24th. IEEE Conference on Decision and Control A Temporal Logic Approach to Real-Time Control J.S.Ostroff;W.Wonham
  32. Technical Report 8618, University of Toronto Real-Time Computer Control of Discrete Event Systems Modelled by Extended State Machines : A Temporal Logic Approach J.S.Ostroff
  33. Proc. IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium Modeling and Verifying Real-Time Embedded Computer Systems J.S.Ostroff;W.Wonham
  34. The Journal of Systems and Software Formal Methods for the Specification and Design of Real-Time Safety Critical Systems J.S.Ostroff
  35. Proc. 7th IEEE ICSE The Modular Structure of Complex Systems D.P.Parnas;D.P.Clements;D.Weiss
  36. Computing Surveys v.9 no.3 Petri nets J.L.Peterson
  37. Petri Net Theory and Modelling of Systems J.L.Peterson
  38. Technical Report MAC TR 120, MIT Analysis of Asynchronous Concurrent Systems by Timed Petri Nets C.Ramchandani
  39. Theoret. Comp. Sci. v.58 A Timed Model for Communicating Sequential Processes G.M.Reed;A.W.Roscoe
  40. Petri Nets : An Introduction W.Reisig
  41. Object-Oriented Modeling and Design J.Rumbaugh;M.Blaha(et al.)
  42. Real-Time Object-Oriented Modeling B.Selic;G.Gullekson;P.Ward
  43. IEEE Trans. Software Engineering v.18 no.9 Communicating Real-Time State Machines A.Shaw
  44. Software Specification and Design : A Disciplined Approach for Real-Time Systems K.Shumate;M.Keller
  45. The Computer Journal v.17 no.4 Process Synchronization in MASCOT H.Simpson;K.Jackson
  46. The Z Notation : A Reference Manual J.M.Spivey
  47. The Journal of Systems and Software The Evolution and State-of-the-Art of Real-Time Languages A.D.Stoyenko
  48. Structured Development for Real-Time Systems P.T.Ward;S.J.Mellor
  49. Technical Report CMU/SEI-89-TR-36, Software Engineering Institute, Carnegie Mellon University Comparative Evaluations of Four Specification Methods for Real-Time Systems D.P.Wood;W.G.Wood