- HortSci. v.9 Rooting stimulation of poinsettia stem cuttings by growth regulators Beck,G.R.;K.C.Sink
- Amer. J. Ecology and Viticul. v.31 The value of plant growth regulators in the propagation of Vitis champini roostocks Chapman,A.P.;E.E.Hussay
- J. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. v.105 Growth regulator effects on adventitions in leaf bud cuttings of juvenile and mature Ficus pumila Davis,E.T.;J.N.Joiner
- Plant propagation : Principles and Practnices(5th ed.) Hartman,H.T.;D.E.Kester
- Proc. Inter. Plant Proc. Soc. v.11 Characterization of rootiing cofactors extracted from Hederahelix L. and Hibiscus rosa-sinensis L. Hess,C.E.
- 博士學位論文(高麗大學校) 觀賞植物의 揷木發根에 있어서 NAA,IBA, 및 Ethychlozate의 發根促進效果와 그 生理學的 硏究 鄭海駿
- 自然科學論文集(培材大學校 尖端科學硏究所) v.6 no.1 Aloe vera의 揷木 發根에 미치는 諸要因에 관한 硏究 丁好宣;沈載成;朴泰垠
- HortScience v.15 Effects of auxin on rooting of Ixora acurminata Rauch,F.D.;R.M.Yamakawa
- 自然科學論文集(培材大學校 尖端科學硏究所) v.3 no.1 구약감자의 生育에 관한 作物學的 硏究 申福雨;沈載成
- 自然科學論文集(培材大學校 尖端科學硏究所) v.5 no.1 粘土鑛物(麥飯石) 및 硅酸質肥料施用이 水稻의 生育 및 收量에 미치는 影響 沈載成
- J. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. v.95 no.2 Some biochemical compounds associatiated with rooting of Carya illinoensis stem cuttings Taylor,G.G.;R.E.Odom
- J. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. v.105 no.3 Propagation of thornless black-berries by one-node cuttings Zimmerman,R.H.;G.J.Galletta;O.C.Broome