서민복식문화에 관한 연구(II) -경북 금오산 주변지역의 민속조사 결과를 중심으로-

A Study of Folk Costume Culture (II) -Field Research Around the Mt. Kumo Area-

  • 홍나영 (시립 인천대학교 자연과학대학 의생활학과) ;
  • 이은주 (안동대학교 생활과학대학 의류학과) ;
  • 임재영 (한성대학교 이공대학 의류직물학과)
  • Hong, Na-Young (Dept. of Clothing and Textiles,University of Incheon) ;
  • Lee, Eun-Joo (Dept. of Clothing & Textiles, Andong National University) ;
  • Lim, Jae-Young (Dept. of Clothing & Textiles, Hansung University)
  • 발행 : 1995.01.01


Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles Vol. 19, No. 1 (199i) p. 71~79 The authors study on the traditional textile production and the formal dress through the field research concerning the folk attitude toward dress style around the Mt. Kumo area. In this area, people produced and wove hemp, cotton, and silk except ramie. Because of poor production of raw materials, they produced textiles only for self-sufficiency. Every household dealt with dyeing on a small scale. In the past, people dyed cloth natually using plants as material. Natural dyeing, however, gradually changed into chemical one since the Japanese rule. The formal dresses, which people wore on particular occasions such as the hundredth day after child's brith, the first birthday, and traditional holidays, were very meager due to poor living standards. People could not see the formal dresses with full decoration. Bride and bridegroom were the village.owned wedding dresses, and if they could not afford to, they simply put cloth on to remember the occasion. People around the Mt. Kumo area, however, provided fully-decorated shroud and ritual robes to the level of other better-off areas. It seemed to be the result of influence of deep-rooted Confucianism in Gyungbuk province. This Phenomenon could be found in the folk dress style in other regions as well as the Mt. Kumo area in Gyungbuk province.
