Evaluation of Development and Necessity of Therapeutic Diet Manual Practice

진료를 위한 식이처방 지침서의 개발과 필요성 평가

  • 조여원 (경희대학교 가정대학 식품영양학과)
  • Published : 1995.03.01


This study was conducted to evaluate the necessity and development of a therapeutic diet manual which contains basic nutritional science concepts that refer to nutritional management of patients in clinical settings. One hundred and fifty-four medical doctors, forty dietitians, and sixty-three students majoring in nutrition participated. The survey included questions about nutritional knowledge, nutrition-related concerns, and nutrition counseling in medical practice. The knowledge score of medical doctors was 47.7%. Lower percentages occurred in the amount of sodium allowed in the sodium restricted diet and the food sources of vitamin B1 were 16.9%, 31.2% respectively. Seventy-four percent of doctors strongly urged nutrition counseling for patients. Seventy one percent of doctors agreed that the present medical-nutrition education was inadequate in medical school curricura. Most doctors (79.2%) agreed that a therapeutic diet manual would be helpful and necessary. The average percentage of nutritional knowledge test scores for dietitians and students majoring in nutrition were 76.0% and 68.3%, respectively. Over ninety percent of dietitians working and their prescriptions. The result of this study strongly suggests that the development of a comprehensive therapeutic diet manual is necessary, especially for medical doctors.



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