업무분석을 통한 임상 영양사 적정인원 산출 사례연구(II)

Developing standardized Clinical Dietetic Staffing Indices in Hospital Foodservice

  • 양일선 (연세대학교 생활과학대학 식품영양학과)
  • 발행 : 1995.08.01


The purpose of this study were to analyze work patterns of clinical dietitians by time study, to investigate labor time used in each clinical dietetic activity, and to develop standardized indices of clinical dietetic staffing needs. Two general hospitals(A & B) in Seoul were selected for study. The results of this study can be summarized as follows. 1) For the A hospital, the percentage of clinical dietetic activities such as attending meeting, professional research, foodservicemanagement, clerical activity for the foodservice, administrative activity and delay were 17.5%, 1.3%, 14.5%, 23.4%, 21.3%, 4.6%, and 17.3% respectively, while 22.4% 3.5%, 23.7%, 10.9%, 15.8%, 4.2%, and 19.5% respectively for the B hospital. 2) For the A hospital, the percentage of direct patient care like outpatient nutrition education, group nutrition education, and patient meal planning were 69.5%, 10.5%, 7.6%, and 12.4% respectively while 78.9%, 7.3%, 8.9%, and 5.1% respectively for the B hospital. 3) Time spent for performing direct patient care such as basic care, intermediate care, and indepth care per patient were 28.0min, 73.1min, and 53.0 min respectively for the A hospital, while 45.3 min, 76.2 min, and 52.6 min respectively for the B hospital. 4) Full time clinical dietitian staffing needs were calculated for the three parts ; basic care, intermediate care, and in-depth care. For A hspital, the appropriate numbers of full time clinical dietitian were 3.5 persons in basic care, 3.6 persons in intermediate care, and 1.3 persons in in-depth care, while 6.1 persons, 6.3 persons, 3.2 persons respectively for B hospital.



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  4. J Am Diet Assoc v.61 Optimal nutritional care/cost equation Walters,F.M.;Jerman,P.A.;MarCo,M.R.
  5. 국민영야 v.12 2000년대를 향한 영양부서의 과제와 ??향 서은경
  6. J Am Diet Assoc v.90 Managing inpatient clinical nutrition services : A comprehensive program assures accountability and success Ford,D.A.;Fairchild,M.M.
  7. A report of the professional standards review committee.
  8. Standards of practice : A practioner's guide to implementation
  9. J Am Diet Assoc v.85 Identifying patients at nutrition risk and determining clinical productivity : Essentials for an effective nutrition care program Dehoog,S.
  10. J Am Diet Assoc v.87 Productivity management : Applying it personally and professionally McEwan,C.W.;Messersmith,A.M.
  11. J Am Diet Assoc v.86 A new strategy for cost effective care : Clinical dietetic staffing by diagnosis Gobberdiel,L.
  12. J Am Diet Assoc v.88 Documentation of time expenditures of clinical dietitians : Results of a Statewide time study in Texas Shanklin,C.W.;Hernandez,H.N.;Gould,R.M.;Gorman,M.A.
  13. J Am Diet Assoc v.87 Monitoring accountability of a clinical nutrition service Huyck,N.I.;McNamara,P.M.
  14. Clinical Dietetic Staffing Kit.
  15. J Am Diet Assoc v.87 Nutrition care activities and DRGs Blackburn,S.A.;Himburg,S.P.
  16. 대한 영양사회 학술 대회 자료집 병원 급식 영양사 인력에 관한 연구 최귀례;김경주
  17. 국민영양 v.1;2 우리나라의 환자 영양상태 개선과 임상 영양사 제도의 필요성 김화순
  18. 국민영양 v.9 환자에 대한 영양적 치료와 영양사의 역할 서은경
  19. 국민영양 v.8 병원 급식관리 지침 시행에 따른 영양사의 업무 김병구
  20. 대한 영양사회 학술대회 자료집 입원환자 영양관리에 따른 영양사 인력에 관한 조사 박미선(외8인 저)
  21. Identification of clinical dietetic practitioner's time use for the provision on nutrition care
  22. J Am Diet Assoc v.84 Productivity in clinical dietetics McManner,M.H.;Barina,S.A.
  23. Standards of practice for the profession of dietetics
  24. 대한내과학회지 v.35 외. 내과질환으로 입원한 환자의 영양상태 김유리;허갑범