피타아제를 처리한 두유의 단백질 소화율과 칼슘, 철, 아연의 유동도에 대한 피트산의 효과

Effect of Phytate on the Protein digestibility and Availability in vitro of Calcium, Iron and Zinc in Soymilk Treated with Phytase

  • 황인경 (서울대학교 가정대학 식품영양학과)
  • 발행 : 1995.11.01


This study was to examine the effect of phytate on the protein digestibility and calcium, iron and zinc availability in phytase treated soymilks digested with pepsin and pepsin-pancreatin in vitro. Also, the bending between phytate and protein in soymilks was investigated by means of SDS-PAGE. The content of phytate in soymilk was reduced by phytase treatment. As the content of phytate decreased, the protein digestibility increased in soymilk treated with the digest enzymes in vitro. The reduction of phytate content in soymilk improved the availability of all calcium, iron and zinc. Although the availability of calcium increased, the amount of change was small. The phytate reduction increased most the availability of iron. A number of bands of high molecular weight protein in soymilk disappleared in SDS-PAGE by lowering the phytate content with phytase treatement on soymilk.



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