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- Phytochemistry v.20 The complete amino acid sequence of a major wheat protein inhibitor of α-amylase Kachland,N.;Richardson,M.
- Nutr. Rep. Intern. v.5 Protein amylase inhibitors in the fraction of wheat and rye flour : possible factors in celiac disease Strumeyer,D.H.
- Arch Biochem. Biophys. v.9 Distribution and general properties of an amylase inhibitor in cereal Kneen,E.;Standstedt,R.M.
- Enzymologia v.39 Partial purification and properties of enzyme inhibitors from unripe mangoes Mattoo,A.K.;Modi,V.V.
- J. Sci. Food Agric. v.37 The effects of α-amylase inhibitors on insert storage pests : inhibition of α-amylase in vivo and effects on developments in vivo Gatehouse,A.M.R.;Fenton,K.A.;Pavey,D.J.
- J. Food. Biochem. v.5 Purification and characterization of α-amylase inhibitor from maize(Zea maize) Blanco-Labra,A.;Iturbe-Chinas,F.A.
- Diabetologia v.9 Influence of α-amylase inhibitor(BAY D 7791) on blood-glucose, serum-insulin and NEFA in starch loading tests in rats, dogs and man Puls,W.;Keup,U.
- Cereal Chem. v.59 Inactivation of α-amylase activity by puroghionins Iones,B.L.;Meredith,P.
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- J. Food. Sci. Technol. v.20 Screening of oriential drugs for α-amylase inhibitor Lee,K.S.;Yang,C.B.
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- J. Agric. Food Chem. v.34 Myrosinase from Sinapis alba L.: A new method of purification for glucosinolate analysis Palmieri,S.;Iori,R.;Leoni,O.
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- Archs. Insect. Biochem. Physiol. v.2 Purification, partial characterization, and post-embrypnic levels of amylases from sitophilus oryzae and sitophilus granarius Baker,J.E.;Woo,S.M.
- Insect. Biochem. v.17 Purification of isoamylases from the rice weevil, Sitophilus oryzae(L.) by high performance liquid chromatography and their interaction with partially purified amylase inhibitords from wheat Baker,J.E.
- Clin. Chem. v.23 Differential serum amylase determination by use of an inhibitors, and design of a routine procedure O'Donnell,J.D.;Fitzgerald,O.;McGeeney,K.F.
- Phytochem. v.12 α-Amylase inhibitorin Triticum aestvum purification and physical-chemical properties Saunders,R.M.;Lang,J.A.
- Biochem. Biophys. Acta v.221 α-Amylase inhibitors from wheat isolation and characterization Shainkin,R.M.;Birk,Y.
- J. Food Biochem. v.1 Purification and characterization of α-amylase inhibitors in wheat(Triticum aestivum var. Anza) Granum,P.E.;Whitaker,J.R.
- Biochem. Biophys. Acta v.658 Isolation and characterization of four inhibitors from wheat flour which display differential inhibition specificites for human salivary and human pancreatic α-amylase O'Conner,C.M.;McGeeney,K.F.
- J. Food. Sci. v.50 Characterization and two α-amylase inhibitors from black bean Phaseolus vulgaris Frels,J.M.;Rupnow,J.H.
- J. Biol. Chem. v.250 Purification and properties of phaselamin, an inhibitor of α-amylase, from the kidney bean, Phaseolus vulgaris Mashall,J.J.;Lauda,C.M.
- J. Food Biochem. v.1 Purification and some physical properties and chemical properties of red kidney bean(Phaseolus vulgaris) α-amylase inhibitor Powers,J.R.;Whitaker,J.R.