Purification of $\alpha$-Amylase Inhibitor from Naked Barley in Korea

한국산 쌀보리 $\alpha$-Amylase 저해물질의 분리 및 정제

  • Published : 1995.08.01


The $\alpha$-amylase inhibitor from naked barley was purified by DEAE-cellulose, Concanavalin-A sepharose and superose 6 column chromatography, and confirmed by capillary electrophoresis. The purified $\alpha$-amylase inhibitor showed a single band of 29KD in molecular weight when estimated by the SDS-PAGE. Its purity was increased by 12-fold as compared to its crude extract, and its specific activity was found to be 336.7units/mg. The major amino acids of the $\alpha$-amylase inhibitor from naked barley was appeared to be glutamic acid, asparitic acid and arginine. The inhibitor from naked barley was glycoproteins and carbohydrate content of inhibitor was 1.0%.



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