- 國譯本草綱. 春陽當藏版 李時珍著(木村康ㅡ譯)
- 中藥大辭典 (弟4卷) 小學館
- 原色牧野和漢藥草大圖鑑 三橋博
- 原色和漢藥圖鑑(大板) v.下 難波恒雄
- 缶詰時報 v.55 キノコ類の呈味作用と藥理的效果 毛利威德
- 식품재료학 문범수;이갑상
- 한국균학회지 v.20 한국산 약용균류 안덕균
- 한국균학회지 v.6 한국말 버섯이름 통일안 한국균학회
- Heluetica Chemica Acta v.62 Structures of ganoderic acid A and B, two new lanostane type bitter triterpenes from Ganoderma Iucidum(Fr.) KARST Kubota,T.;Asaka,Y.;Miura,I.;Mori,H.
- J. Biol. Chem. v.266 Molecular cloning of a cDNA and a gene encoding an immunomodulatory protein, Ling Zhi-8, from a fungus, Ganoderma Iucidum Murasugi,A.;Tanaka,S.;Komiyama,N.;Iwata,N.;Kino,K.Tsunoo,H.;Sakuma,S.
- Chem. Pharm. Bull. v.38 Cardiovascular effects of mycelium extract of Ganoderma lucidum ; Inhibition of sympathetic outflow as a mechanism of its hypotensive action Lee,S.Y.;Rhee,H.M.
- Chem. Pharm. Bull. v.38 Macrophage activation in vitro by chemically cross-linked {ζ→3}-β-D-glucan Adachi,Y.;Ohno,N.;Ohsawa,M.;Oikawa,S.;Yadomae,T.
- 靈芝 久保道德
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- 日本農藝化學會誌 v.58 マンネンタケ(靈芝)の水溶性多糖類の分畵,構造,抗腫瘍活性について 水野草;加藤尙美;戶塚篤史;竹中一秀;新海健吉;淸水雅子
- Chem. Pharm. Bull. v.29 Studies on fungal polysaccharides, XXVII : Structural examination of a water-soluble, antitumor polysaccharide of Ganoderma Iucidum Miyazaki,T.;Nishijima,M.
- J. Pharmacobio-Dyn. v.12 Antitumer activity of Sarcodon aspratus(BERK.)S. Ito and Ganoderma Iucidum(FR.) KARST Maruyma,H.;Yamazaki,K.;Murofushi,S.;Konda,C.;Ikekawa,T.
- Agric. Biol. Chem. v.45 Antitumor activity of water-soluble β-D-glucan elaborated by Ganoderma applanatum Usui,T.;Iwasaki,Y.;Hayashi,K.;Mizuno,T.;Tanaka,M.;Shinkai,K.;Arakawa,M.
- 연세대학교 박사학위논문 Ganoderma Iucidum IY 009에서 분리된 항암성 다당류의 약리, 독성 및 구조에 관한 연구 이권행
- Agric. Biol. Chem. v.44 Studies on hot water-soluble and dilute alkali-soluble polysaccharides from the fruit body of mushroom [Psalliota campestris(Linn) Fr] Kusunose,H.;Matsumura,H.;Sawamura,M.
- Agric.Biol. Chem. v.49 Structures and antitumor activities of the polysaccharides isolated from fruiting body and the growing culture of mycelium of Ganoderma Iucidum Sone,Y.;Okuda,R.;Wada,N.;Kishida,E.;Misaki,A.
- Carbohydrate analysis Chaplin,M.F.;Kennedy,J.F.
- Anal Biochem. v.4 A modified uronic acid carbazole reaction Bitter,T.;Muir,H.M.
- Methods in carbohydrate chemistry 1. Color reactions of hexosamines Dische,Z.
- Anal. Biochem. v.72 A rapid and sensitive method for the quantitation of microgram quantities of protein utilizing the principles of protein dye binding Bradford,M.M.
- Anal. Chem. v.30 Automatic recording apparatus for use in the chromatography of amino acid Moore,S.;Spaekman,D.H.;Stein,W.H.
- J. Korean Biochem. v.24 Detection of chitinase activity using fluorescence-labeled substrate on polyacrylamide gel Kim,Y.S.;Lee,K.B.;Linhardt,R.J.
- J. Immunol. v.119 Antibody-dependent killing of erythrocyte and tumor targets by macrophage-related cell lines : enhancement by PPD and LPS Ralph,P.;Nakoinz,I.
- American type culture collection catalogue of cell lines and hybridomas(Six ed.) Hay,R.;Macy,M.;Chen,T.R.;McClintock,P.;Reid,Y. 1988-00-00
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- 최신면역학 이연태(역)
- Science v.197 Macro-phage tumor killing Hibbs,J.B.Jr.;Taintor,R.R.;Chapman,H.A.;Weinberg,J.B.
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