A Study on the Understanding of Environmental Aesthetics and the Method of Empirical Approach

환경미학의 이해와 경험적 접근방법에 관한 연구

  • 김주미 (원광대학교 산업디자인학과)
  • Published : 1995.07.01


This thesis focuses on a study of design science, which is of a disciplinary character. And the purpose of such a study is to suggest a new direction to develop aesthetics through an empirical research into environmental psychol-ogy, human behavior, design thought, and the visual qual-ity of environment. The author of this study, since recognizing the necessi-ty of understanding environmental aesthetics as well as the necessity of aesthetics, has done an elementary study of empirical aesthetes, and then obtained some facts as follows: First, it is possible to analyse the visual characteristics immanent in the interrelations between human and envi-ronment by means of applying both the information the-ory of formal perception and expressional value and the perceptual theory of ecology to environmental aesthetics. Second, formal aesthetics is a science about the form and structure and in the meantime, symbolic aesthetics is a science about the environmental patterns giving pleas-ure to mankind and its associative meanings. Accordingly it is same as providing some aesthetic value to the ob-ject of environment design to apply some empirical data of visual quality to environmental design. Through such a process, users are provided or delivered with diverse, visual effect. In conclusion, environmental aesthetics is worthwhile to study, and its purpose is that it, as a framework of use-ful knowledge to the creation of the environment superi-or in quality, be applied to design.



  1. 미학의 이해 김문환
  2. 현대예술학 김복영
  3. 예술철학 박이문
  4. 인지과학 소홍렬(외 11인 공저)
  5. 인지심리학 Colin Martindale;신정현(역)
  6. 마음의 생태학 Gregory Bateson;서석봉(역)
  7. 인지심리학 J.R.Anderson;이영애(역)
  8. 예술과 인간가치 Melvin Rader;Bertram, Jessop;김광명(역)
  9. 컴퓨터와 마음 Philip Johnson-Laird;이정순;조혜자(역)
  10. 20세기 예술철학의 사조 Yevgeny Basin;오병남;윤자정(역)
  11. 조형심리 오미겐다로;권민(역)
  12. Psycholphysical Approaches to Cognition Daniel Algon
  13. Aesthetics and Psychobiology D.E.Berlyne
  14. Environmental Aesthetics Jack L. Nasar
  15. Creating Architectural Theory Jon Lang
  16. Image and Understanding Jonathan Miller
  17. A New Language for Environmental Design Lynden Herbert
  18. Systems and Theories in psychology Melvin H.Marx;W.A.Cronan-Hillix
  19. The art and science of teaching M.J.Hassel;R.Benhmou
  20. Entropy and Art Rudolf Arnheim
  21. Visual Perception physiology, Psychology and Ecology Vicki Brue;Pathrick R.Green
  22. 이화여대 석사학위청구논문 정보이론 패러다임에 의한 환경디자인 접근방법에 관한 연구 김주미