Allozyme Diversity in Korean Populations of Calystegia soldanella and C. japonica (Convolvulaceae): Implications for Conservation

  • 발행 : 1995.06.01


We investigated levels and distribution of genetic variation in Korean populations of Calystegia soldanella and C. japonica, clonally reproducing herbaceous perennials. Calystegia soldanella is one ofecologically important beach plants growing only on sand and beach dunes in Europe, East Asia, the Pacific Islands, and the west coast of North America. In contrast, C. japonica usually grows on small mounds of paddy fields, roadsides, and waste places with patchy distribution. Starch gel electrophoresis was conducted on leaves collected from 13 populations of C. soldanella and eight populations of C. japonica. The levels of genetic variation of the two species are very comparable; means of expected heterozygosity (Hep) were 0.100 and 0.099 for C. soldanella and C. japonica, respectively. These values were also very similar to those for species with similar life-history and ecological traits. However, the proportion of total genetic diversity partitioned among populations (GST) of C. soldanella (0.146) was considerably lower than that of C. japonica (0.383). In addition, means of Nei's genetic identity (Ⅰ) for C. soldanella and C. japonica were 0.985 and 0.900, respectively, which supports a restricted gene flow resulting from obligate clonal reproduction of C. japonica. Significant differences in allele frequency were detected among populations at eight and nine of nine polymorphic loci for C. soldanella and C. japonica (P<0.01), respecitvely. Considering the ecological importance of C. soldanella, the isolated beach populations coupled with present destruction of natural habitats of the species may result in erosion of genetic diversity in the near future. In this respect, conservation efforts should be focused on those populations that currently maintain the most genetic diversity such as those populations in the eastern and southeastern Korean Peninsula and Hamduck Beach, Cheju Island.
