능동소음제어-제어음장의 물리적 성질 및 제어방법론

  • 김양한 (한국과학기술원, 기계공학과) ;
  • 강성우 (한국과학기술원, 기계공학과)
  • 발행 : 1995.12.01


이 글에서는 능동소음제어에 있어서, 음장 혹은 음원을 표현하는 물리량은 음향에너지, 파워, 인텐시티를 통하여 제어 가격함수로서의 각 의미를 살펴보았다. 졍리하면 이 세가지 물량들은 음향에너지의 균형이라는 물리적 변칙에 의해 서로 단단히 결속되어 있으며, 이들은 음장의 형태와 성격 그리고 파장과 주파수 등과 관련이 있으므로, 능동소음제어 입장에서 제어 목적에 맞게 적절히 사용할 필요가 있다고 볼 수 있다. 음향 에너지의 제어 개념 즉, 음향에너지를 가격함수로 하는 제어 방법은, 원하는 정숙공간(zone of quiet)을 제어할 때 그 적절성이 있음을 보았 으며, 음향 파워는 그 물리량 자체가 어떤 음원의 특성을 표현하고 있으므로 제어에 의하여 방사 효율을 감소(weak radiator)시키고자 할 때 가장 자연스러운 가격 함수 가 됨을 살펴보았다. 또한 음향 인텐시티라는 물리량은 음향 에너지의 전달 특성을 대표하는 특성임을 살펴보았고, 따라서 소음 전파의 감소(noise transmission reduction)를 위한 제어 가격 함수로의 당위성을 확인하였다. 이러한 모든 제어 방법 들이 사실은 가관측성 및 가제어성을 가져야 함은 주지의 사실이며, 음향 파워나 인텐시티를 가격 함수로 하는 제어 방법의 경우 실제적인 가관측성상의 문제점들로 인하여 그 현실성이 아직은 거리가 있다 하겠다.



  1. Process of Silenciong Sound Oscillations. US Patent No. 2,043,416 P.Lueg
  2. Fighting Noise with Noise v.2 Noise Control W.B.Conover
  3. Acoustics : An Introduction to its Physical Properties and Applications A.D.Pierce
  4. ASME Journal of Vibration, Acoustice, Stress Reliability in Design v.106 A Study of Active Control of Noise in Ducts J.Tichy;G.E.Warnaka;L.A.Poole
  5. Journal of Sound and Vibration v.91 An Experimental Study of a Broadband Active Attenuator for Cancellation of Random Noise in Ducts R.F.La Fontaine;I.C.Shepherd
  6. Journal of Acoustical Society of America v.94 no.2 A Comparison of Error Sensor Strategies for the Active Control of Duct Noise Anthony,C.Zander;Collin,H.Hansen
  7. Journal of Sound and Vibration v.140 In-Filight Experiments on the Active Control of Propeller-Induced Cabin Noise S.J.Elliott;P.A.Nelson;I.M.Stothers;C.C.Boucher
  8. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Conference on Automotive Electronics Adaptive Noise Cancellation for Road Vehicles D.C.Perry;S.J.Elliott;I.M.S.Stothers;S.J.Oxley
  9. Journal of Acoustical Society of America v.96 An Adaptive Filtered-x Algorithm for Energy-Based Active Control S.D.Sommerfeldt;P.J.Nashiff
  10. Active 95 Golbal Active Noise Control in Rectangular Enclosures S.D.sommerfeldt;J.W.Parkins;Y.C.Park
  11. Proceedings of the 6th International Congress on Acoustics Sur Les Absorbeurs Actifs M.J.M.Jessel
  12. Journal of Sound and Vibration v.105 The Minimum Power Output of a Pair of Free Field Monopole Sources P.A.Nelson;S.J.Elliott
  13. Journal of Sound Vibration v.116 The Minimum Power Output of Free Field Point Sources and the Active Control of Sound P.A.Nelson;A.R.D.Curtis;S.J.Elliott;A.J.Bullmore
  14. Journal of Acoustical Society of America v.89 Active Control of the Acoustic Radiation of a Vibrating Structure using a Superposition Formulation L.Song;G.H.Koopmann;J.B.Fahnline
  15. Journal of Acoustical Society of America v.91 Active Control of Far Field Sound Radiated by a Rectangular Panel-A General Analysis J.Pan;S.D.Snyder;C.H.Hansen;C.R.Fuller
  16. Journal of Acoustical Society of America v.91 Modal Sensing of Efficient Acoustic Radiators with PVDF Distributed Sensors in Active Structural Acoustic Approaches R.L.Clark;C.R.Fuller
  17. Journal of Sound and Vibration v.153 Active Control of Sound Transmission Radiation form Elastic Plates by Vibration inputs, Ⅱ : Experiments V.L.Metcalf;C.R.Fuller;R.J.Silcox;D.E.Brown
  18. Journal of Acoustical Society of America v.92 A Design Method for Achieving Weak Radiator structures Using Active Vibration Control K.Naghshineh;G.H.Koopmann
  19. Journal of Acoustical Society of America v.91 Experiments on Active Control of Structurally Radiated Sound Using Multiple Piezoceramic Actuators R.L.Clark;C.R.Fuller
  20. ASME Journal of Vibration and Acoustics v.115 An Experiment on Optimization of Active Noise Control on a Three-Dimensional Extended Radiator J.A.Giordano;K.A.Cunefare;G.H.Koopmann
  21. Journal of Acoustical Society of America v.95 Advanced Time Domain Wave-Number Sensing for Structural Acoustic System, I. Theory and Design J.Millard;C.R.Fuller
  22. Proceedings of the 13th International Modal Analysis v.1 Analysis and Determination of Microphone Sensor Locations for Active Structural Acoustic Control T.S.Song;G.P.Gibbs;C.R.Fuller
  23. Active 95 Active Global Noise Control by Sound Power Seong-Woo Kang;Yang Hann Kim
  24. Journal of Sound and Vibration Possibility on Global Noise Peduction by Active Sound Power Control Seong-Woo Kang;Yang Hann Kim
  25. Journal of Sound and Vibration Causally Constrained Active Sound Power Control Seong-Woo Kang;Yang-Hann Kim
  26. Vibration and Sound(2th Edition) Reprinted in 1981 by the Acoustical Society of America P.M.Morse
  27. Journal of Sound and Vibration v.172 Near Field Zones of Quiet P.Joseph;S.J.Elliott;P.A.Nelson
  28. Journal of Sound and Vibration Active Intensity Control for the Reduction of Rediated Duct Noise Seong-Woo Kang;Yang-Hann Kim
  29. Proc.of Internoise94 Active Control of Acoustic Intensity Using a Frequency Domain Filtered-x Algorithm D.C.Swanson
  30. Active 95 Control of Acoustic Intensity Using Frequency Domain Filitered-x Algorithm K.M.Reichard;D.C.Swanson;S.C.Hirsch
  31. Adaptive Sigual Processing B.Widrow;S.D.Stearns