- Acta. Agri. Sacnd. Suppl. v.17 Secondary effects of some Pseudomonas in the rhizosphere of peat grown cucumber plants Eklund,E.
- Proc. Am. Phytopathol. Soc. v.3 Facters affecting efficacy of Bacillus subtilis and other bacteria as corn seed treatments Lang,D.S.;Kommedahl,T.
- Plant soil v.28 Selective inhibition of the patato scab pathogen by antagonistic bacteria and substrate influence on antibiotic production Weinhold,A.R.;Bowman,T.
- Phytopathol. v.71 Growth of Penicillium oxalicum as a biological seed treatment on pea seed in soil Windels,C.E.
- Phytopathol. v.76 Mechanism of biological control of preemergence damping-off of pea by seed treatment with Trichoderma spp. Lifshitz,R.;Windham,M.T.;Baker,R.
- Plant Pathol. v.36 Application of Trichoderma and Gliocladium in alginate pellets for control of Rhizoctonia damping-off Lewis,J.A.;Papavizas,G.C.
- Phytopathol. v.77 no.12 Biological control of Aphanomyces cuteiches F. sp. Pisi by bacteria applied to pea seeds Parke,J.L.
- Phytopathol. v.69 Control of Rhizoctonia solani on cotton seedling with Pseudomonas fluorescens and with an antibiotic produced by the bacterium Howell,C.R.;Stripanovic,R.D.
- Phytopathol. v.71 Control of take-all of wheat with fluorescent pseudomonads(Abstr.) Weller,D.M.;Cook,R.J.
- Phytopathol. v.45 Control of damping-off of sugar beet by Bacillus subtilis Dunleavy,J.
- Phytopathol. v.78 Improved seedling performance by integration of biological control agents at favorable pH levels with solid matrix priming Harman,G.E.;Taylor,A.G.
- Biol. Control. v.1 Liquid coating formulation for the application of biological seed treatments of Trichoderma harzianum Taylor,A.G.;Min,T.G.;Harman,G.E.;Jin,X.
- Phytopathol. v.71 Facters affecting Trichoderma hamatum applied to seed as a biocontrol agent Harman,G.E.;Chet,L.;Baker,R.
- Plant Dis v.73 Combining effective strains of Trichoderma harzianum and soil matrix priming to improve biological seed treatments Harman,G.E.;Taylor,A.G.;Stasz,T.E.
- 영남대학교 석사학위 논문 Biocontrol bacteria, Bacillus subtilis producing the antifungal antibiotics and genetic improvement Kim,Y.S.
- Appl. Microbio. & Biotech. Bacterial sporulation and germination of biocontrol agent Bacillus subtilis YBL-7 Chang,J.W.;Kim,S.D.
- Phytopathol. v.73 no.3 Suppression of take-all of wheat by seed treatments with fluorescent pseudomonads Weller,D.M.;Cook,R.J.
- Phytopathol. v.68 Seed Treatment with L-Sorbose to Control Damping-off of Cotton Seedlings by Rhizoctonia solani C.R.Howell
- Appl. and Environ. Microbiol. v.48 no.4 Distribution of a Take-All Suppressive Strain of Pseudomonas fluorescens on Seminal Roots of Winter Wheat David,M.Weller
- Phytopathol. v.70 Time and site of infection of resistant and susceptible germinating pea seeds by Pythium ultimum Stasz,T.E.;Harman,G.E.;Marx,G.A.