Water-dispersible copolyester-g-AA/EA's and AA/EA copolymers were synthesized in waler or water/ethanol solution by chemical method. Structural analyses were carried out by NMR and IR method and copolyester-g-AA/EA's were founto to be correctly synthesized. Relation between fied ratio and coirlposition ratio of AA/EA in copolyester-g-AA/EA's and AA/EA copolymers were confirmed by NMR analysis and copolyester-g-AA/EA's and AA/EA copolymers were found to be composed of more EA contents than the feed ratio of EA. The graft Yield of copolyesterlf-AA/EA's was measured by Soxhlet extraction method. With the increase of AA feed ratio, the graft yield of copolyester-g-AA/EA's increased and these phenomena are assumed to have some relation with the hydrophilic property of AA.