한말 위정척사(衛正斥邪) 사상기의 복식문화 소고

The Costume of the Wejung-chuksa period in hanmal

  • 정혜경 (경남대학교 사범대학 가정교육과)
  • 발행 : 1995.05.01


The Study is to find out the thought of costume of the people who advocated the Wejung-chunksa. Conclusions are described as follows 1. The action to boycott western goods was the early response in the Wejung -chuksa Thought. The reason were in fear of ruin in chosun industry and worry about the westernizing the Korean. 2. The people of the Wejung-chuksa had the conservative character in order to maintain the traditional public order and the costume. They thought that costume have a role to distinguish between man and woman , the rich and the poor and so on. Therefore acceptance the wastern constume style meant that the Korean became a savage. So that they rejected the King's order about the dress-system reformation in 1884, 1895. That pointed that their ultimate purpose was to keep the traditional rule. 3. In appearance the purpose of the short-hair law was good for health. But it meant to destory the traditional order and to symbolize the civilization . Especially the short -hair in the people of Wejung-chuksa meant the destruction of the traditional rule and casting away the courtesy. Therefore they wanted to keep the value of the traditional costume.
