YH439의 알콜성 지방간생성 억제작용

Decreased Induction of Alcoholic Fatty Liver by YH430 in Rats

  • 발행 : 1995.12.01


A single large dose of ethanol as well as chronic ethanol consumption produces alcoholic fatty liver in human and experimental animals. We examined the effects of YH439, a potential hepatoprotective agent, on alcoholic fatty liver generation in adult female rats. In rats treated with YH439 (250 mg/kg, po) 4 hr prior to a single dose of ethanol (6 g/kg, po), a significant decrease in hepatic triglyceride accumulation was observed. YH439 also has an inhibitory effect on hepatic triglyceride and cholesterol accumulation induced by repeated ethanol treatments for one week. Because it has been known that induction of alcoholic fatty liver is associated with lipid peroxidation and/or hepatic glutathione depression, the effect of YH439 on these parameters was determined in the livers of rats treated with ethanol. Coadministration with YH439 inhibited MDA formation and gIutathione depression induced by acute or repeated ethanol administration. In order to determine the effect of YH439 on ethanol metabolism in vivo, disappearance of ethanol from blood was measured. In rats treated with a single dose of ethanol (6 g/kg, po), the ethanol concentration in blood reached a peak approximately 120 min following the treatment which declined linearly for 18 hrs. YH439 had no effect on the decline of blood ethanol concentration regardless of the dose of ethanol given to rats. These results in this study suggest that YH439 has an inhibitory effect on fatty liver generation induced by acute or repeated ethanol consumption through a mechanism not directly related to the rate of ethanol metabolism in vivo.



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