잡견에서의 알진 코팅 인조혈관 삽입실험

Experimental Evaluation of Algin-coated Vascular Grafts in Dogs

  • 김원곤 (서울의대, 한남대학 이과대학, °)
  • 발행 : 1995.06.01


Microvel knitted double velour vascular grafts coated with biodegradable algin were evaluated in the canine experimental model as a new biologically coated Dacron graft. Three series of implantations were conducted involving the insertion of 6 mm diameter grafts in the abdominal aortae of mongrel dogs. The first series used the regular Microvel vascular grafts coated with algin,whereas the second and third series used Hemashield [collagen-coated grafts and the regular Microvel grafts with preclotting,respectively as control groups. Each series involved the implantation of one prosthesis for each of 2 preselected periods,namely 3 months and 6 months. In addition,algin-impregnated grafts were implanted for 4 hours,72 hours,2 weeks,and 4 weeks. All grafts were patent when the animals were sacrificed at intervals ranging from 4 hours to 6 months. Histological examinations revealed no obvious or significant differences in the healing characteristics of the algin-coated grafts and the control grafts after 3 months and 6 months of implantation. Endothelial cell-like cells were present on the midsegments of all grafts explanted from animals sacrificed after 3 months and 6 months,except a suspicious finding in the 3 month-implantation animal of a preclotted graft. With special stains,the algin became invisible between the polyester filaments during the first 3 months of implantation. This study has demonstrated that the use of a biodegradable algin coating is a feasible approach as biological sealants for textile arterial prostheses.



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