골격근의 전위술의 흉부외과적 적용

Surgical Applications of Thoracic Skeletal Muscle Transposition

  • 발행 : 1995.04.01


We experienced 17 skeletal muscle transpositions in chest surgery during the past 8 years. There were 3 female and 14 male patients with ranging from 5 to 71 years of age [ average 47.3 Seventeen patients underwent 27 musele flaps : 11 latissimus dorsi, 6 pectoralis major, 6 serratus anterior and 4 other muscles. An average of 2.0 previous operations was performed. Hospitalization averaged 24 days.Follow up ranged from 7 days to 45 months;There were two postoperative deaths; one, 20 days after from operation due to pneumonia and the other, 130 days after from operation due to cor pulmonale.Fifteen patients who were alive after operation had good results at the time of last follow up.



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  7. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg v.86 Intrathoracic transposition of extraskeletal muscle Pairlero,P.C.;Arnold,P.G.;Piehler,J.M.
  8. Ann Thorac Surg v.11 Bronchopleural fistula-present-day study of an old problem Malave,G.;Foster,E.;Wilson,J.A.(et al.)
  9. Arch surg v.107 Mediastinitis following open heart surgery Engleman,R.M.;Williams,C.D.;Gouge,T.H.(et al.)
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  13. Surg Gynecol Obstet v.104 Primary tumors of the ribs and sternum Pascuzzi,C.A.;Dahlin,D.C.;Clagett,O.T.
  14. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg v.68 The value of resection in tumors involving the chest wall Burnard,R.J.;Martini,N.;Biattie,E.J.
  15. Surg Clin Nitth Am v.60 Tumors of the chest wall Stelzer,P.;Gay,W.A.
  16. Plast Resonst Surg v.63 Use of pectoralis major muscle flaps to repair defects of anterior chset wall Arnold,P.G.;Pairolero,P.C.
  17. Ann Thorac Surg v.41 Primary chest wall tumors : factors affecting survival King,R.M.;Pairolero,P.C.;Trastek,V.F.;Payne,W.C.
  18. Ann Thorac Surg v.34 Bronchogenic carcinoma with chest wall invasion. Factors affecting survival following en bloc resrction Piehler,J.M.;Pairolero,P.C.;Weiland,L.H.;Offord,K.P.;Payne,W.S.;Bernatz,P.E.
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