에탄올에 의한 간독성과 영양적 조절

Hepatotoxicity Induced by Ethanol Consumption and Nutritional Effects

  • 발행 : 1995.12.01


Ethanol can affect a wide range of organ and organelle systems. Some of its effects are directly due to the action of either ethanol or its metabolites, whereas others are related to nutritional deficencies associated with ethanol intake. Some of the liver damages occurring in alcohol abusers are mainly due to generation of free radical during the metabolism of ethanol and subsequent lipid peroxidation. Acetthrough the formation of free radicals, or depletion of levels of antioxidant substances. When prevent generation of the activity. Several authors have reproted the ethanol-related variation of antioxidants such as $\alpha$-tocopherol, ascorbic acid, selenium and glutathionem which are important thereby promoting deficiencies as well as toxic interactions with vitamin A and $\beta$-carotene. It has been appeared that ethanol-induced hepatotoxicity may be partially prevented by the administration of antioxidants.



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