일부지역 보건소 당뇨병 환자의 영양상태와 당뇨병 관리실태

The study on Nutritional Management Status of Diabetic Patients in the Health Center

  • 조경옥 (숙명여자대학교 가정대학 식품영양학과)
  • 발행 : 1995.04.01


This study was conducted to evaluate the nutritional status and diabetes management of diabetic patients in the Health Center. General characteristics, food habits, food intakes and the knowledge about diet therapy were investigated from ninety one diabetes subjects. Anthropometric assessment such as weight, hight, triceps skinfold thickness, and biochemical measurement of fasting blood glucose(FBG), post prandial 2 hours blood glucose(PP2), and hemoglobin A1c(HbA1c) were obtained form the subjects. The results were summarized as following : 1. The average of age was 60.9 years old and 83.5% of subjects was illiterate and primary school graduated. 2. Relative Body Weight(RBW) and % body muscle were 96.18${\pm}$13.6 and 33.56${\pm}$7.01%, respectively. Obese subjects whose body weight exceeded 120% of the ideal values were 3.3%. 3. The 86.8% of subjects were managed by oral hyperglycemic agents. 4. The mean of FBG, PP2, HbA1c were 140.75${\pm}$44.43mg/㎗, 7.60${\pm}$1.88%, respectively. 5. The mean daily intake of calorie was 1407㎉, and 73.6% of subjects lower caloric intake than prescribed calorie. when the degree of dietary compliance was expressed as Tunbridge score, 18.7% of total subjects was grouped as satisfactory, where as 20.9% and 60.4% could be considered as tolerable and hopeless, respectively. The nutrients intake were lower than RDA except for Vitamin A and Vitamin C and the ratio of carbohydrate : protein : fat was 72 : 14 : 14. 6. The mean score of knowledge test about diet therapy was 3.52${\pm}$2.19 out of possible 14.00 points. The above results suggested that the most of diabetic patient showed the poor nutritional status and they faced the lack of knowledge about diabetes management.



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  48. 대한내과학회잡지 v.33 한국인에서의 비전형적 당뇨병 허갑범.
  49. 한국영양학회지 v.24 no.1 당뇨병 환자의 체지방량 및 체지방 분포와 당대사 및 혈청지질 농도와의 관계 김은경.;이기열.;김유리.;허갑범.
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  51. 당뇨병 v.10 no.2 당뇨병 환자들의 영양교육 평가에 관한 연구 김유실.;승정자.;김두만.;김성봉.;유형준.
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