염소를 함유한 폐기물의 소각시 생성되는 유해 중금속류 결정에 대한 화학 평형 계산

An Equilibrium Analysis to Determine the Speciation of Metals in the Incineration of Waste Containing Chlorine

  • 발행 : 1995.12.01


An equilibrium analysis was carried out to determine principal species of heavy metals in waste incineration and their behaviors with variation of temperature, chlorine concentration, excess air ratio, and C/H ratio. The waste was assumed as a compound of hydrocarbon fuel, chlorine, and metals. Calculated results showed that the most important parameter to determine the principal species was temperature. Chlorine concentration also affected on mole fractions of the principal species. Generally principal species at high temperature were chlorides while there were some metals of which principal species were oxides. At low temperature mole fractions of the principal species increased, but at high temperature mole fractions of some metal species decreased. C/H ratio of the hydrocarbon fuel and excess air ratio had little effect on mole fractions of the metal species, compared to the temperature and chlorine concentration.
