SPE법에 의한 음료수중 농약성분

Pesticide Analysis in Drinking Water by SPE Method

  • 김형석 (경희대학교 의과대학 예방의학교실, 유해물질연구소)
  • 발행 : 1995.06.01


According to the population increase and industrialization, the drinking water source, Han River and other sources, are contaminated by industrial wastewater, domestic sewage, and agricultural discharges. Among the contaminants, and toxic substances, pesticides is most interesting items (or human health Our drinking water has some problems of THMs, Fe, odor, etc., $o many people use groundwater or bottled water. But sometimes there are many reports about groundwater contamination owing to the agricultural chemicals, waste disposal, industrial wastewater. In America, there are about 45,000 groundwave supply company and in korea about 20% of total population are using groundwave as drinking water source. In America, studies about SEE is increasing Instead of liquid- liquid extraction method, because of many advantages of SEE methods. Author tried to investigate SPE methods in the spiked water samples to compare with liquid- liquid extraction method and got the following results. The amount of organic solvents which are used In SPE method is less than 1/10 compared with liquid- liquid method, the analytical duration time is shortened, and the ethyl acetate was good fluent among several organic solvents.
