New Approaches to Ultrasonic Classification and Sizing of Flaws in Weldments

초음파시험에 의한 용접결함의 종류판별과 크기산정의 새로운 기법

  • 송성진 (조선대학교, 기계설계공학과)
  • 발행 : 1995.12.01


Flaw classification(determination of the flaw type) and flaw sizing (prediction of the flaw shape, orientation and sizing parameters) are very important issues in ultrasonic nondestructive evaluation of weldments. In this work, new techniques for both classification and sizing of flaws in weldments are described together with extensive review of previous works on both topics. In the area of flaw classification, a methodology is developed which can solve classification problems using probabilistic neural networks, and in the area of flaw sizing, a time-of-flight equivalent(TOFE) sizing method is presented.



  1. The Evaluation of Ultrasonic Signals International Institute of Welding
  2. Handbook on the Ultrasonic Examination of Welds International Institute of Welding
  3. Soviet Journal of Nondestructive Testing v.11 New informative index for the nature of flaws in ultrasonic inspection V.G.Shcherbinskii;V.E.Belyi
  4. Soviet Journal of Nondestructive Testing v.21 Diffracted waves and their application in ultrasonic nondestructive testing Ⅱ. Practical application of diffracted waves A.K.Volpinkin
  5. Journal of Nondestructive Evaluation v.1 Defect identification and sizing by the ultrasonic satellite-pulse technique G.J.Gruber
  6. Ultrasonics v.29 A quasi-pulse-echo technique for ultrasonic flaw classification C.P.Chiou;L.W.Schmerr
  7. Journal of Acoustical Society of America v.35 Determination of the geometry of hidden defects by ultrasonic pulse analysis testing O.R.Gericke
  8. Research Techniques in Nondestructive Testing Ultrasonic spectroscopy O.R.Gericke;R.S.Sharpe(ed.)
  9. Ultrasonic Spectral Analysis for Nondestructive Evaluation D.W.Fitting;L.Adler
  10. Materials Evaluation v.42 Element of a feature-based ultrasonic inspection system J.L.Rose
  11. Materials Evaluation v.42 A methodology for reflector classification analysis in complex geometric welded structures J.L.Rose;Y.H.Jeong;C.T.Cooper
  12. Materials Evaluation v.42 no.4 Flaw classification in welded plates employing a multidimensional feature-based decision process J.L.Rose;J.Nestleroth;L.Niklas;O.Ganglbauer;J.Ausserwoeger;F.Wallner
  13. NDT International v.19 A physical approach to the automated ultrasonic characterization of buried weld defects in ferritic steel S.F.Burch;N.K.Bealing
  14. Review of Progress in Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation v.7B Objective characterization of welding defects using physical based pattern recognition techniques S.F.Burch;D.O.Thompson(ed.);D.E.Chimenti(ed.)
  15. Interdisciplinary Program for Quantitative Flaw Definition Special Report Third Year Effort Application of adaptive learning networks to NDE methods A.N.Mucciardi;R.Shankar;M.F.Whalen
  16. Proc. ARPA/AFML Review of Progress in Quantitative NDE;Air Force Materials Laboratory Technical Report AFML-TR-78-205 Inversion of Physically Recorded Ultrasonic Waveforms Using Adaptive Learning Network Models Trained on Theoretical Data M.F.Whalen;A.N.Mucciardi;D.O.Thompson(ed.)
  17. Ph. D. Dissertation, Iowa State University Ultrasonic flaw classification : an approach using modelling, signal processing, and adaptive learning L.S.Koo
  18. Microcomputer Application v.9 Design and implementation of an expert system for flaw classification S.M.Nugen;L.W.Schmerr;K.M.Christensen;B.K.Lovewell
  19. Review of Progress in Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation v.8A Ultrasonic Flaw Classification-An Expert System Approach L.W.Schmerr;K.E.Christensen;S.M.Nugen;L.S.Koo;C.P.Chiou;D.O.Thompson(ed.);D.E.Chimenti(ed.)
  20. IEEE ASSP Magazine no.April An introduction to computing with neural nets R.P.Lippmann
  21. Adaptive Pattern Recognition and Neural Networks Y.H.Pao
  22. Parallel Distributed Processing v.1 Learning internal representations by error propagation D.E.Rumelhart;G.E.Hinton;R.J.Williams;D.E.Rumelhart(ed.);J.L.McClelland(ed.);the PDP Research Group(ed.)
  23. Materials Evaluation v.48 Eddy current defect characterization using neural network L.Udpa;S.S.Udpa
  24. Materials Evaluation v.49 Neural network inversion of uniform-field eddy current data J.M.Mann;L.W.Schmerr;J.C.Moulder
  25. Review of Progress in Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation v.10A Classification of ultrasonic defect signatures using an artificial neural network L.M.Brown;R.DeNale;D.O.Thompson(ed.);D.E.Chimenti(ed.)
  26. Review of Progress in Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation v.10A Classification of ultrasonic signals via neural networks D.Berry;L.Udpa;S.S.Udpa;D.O.Thompson(ed.);D.E.Chimenti(ed.)
  27. Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Neural Networks v.1 Probabilistic neural networks for classification, mapping, of associative memory D.F.Specht
  28. Neural Networks v.3 Probabilistic neural networks D.F.Specht
  29. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks v.1 no.1 Probabilistic neural networks and polynomial adaline as complementary techniques for classification D.F.Specht
  30. Proceedings of the IEEE International Joint Conference on Neural Networks v.1 Enhancements to probabilistic neural networks D.F.Specht
  31. Proceedings of the IEEE v.73 Ultrasonics in nondestructive evaluation R.D.Thompson;D.O.Thompson
  32. Transactions of ASME/Journal of Applied Mechanics v.50 Quantitative ultrasonic nondestructive evaluation methods R.B.Thompson
  33. Ultrasonic Testing of Materials(4th ed.) J.Krautkramer;H.Krautkramer
  34. British Journal of Applied Physics v.10 Determination of the size of defects by the ultrasonic impulse echo methods J.Krautkramer
  35. Research in Nondestructive Evaluation v.1 The flat-bottom hole : an ultrasonic scattering model L.W.Schmerr;A.Sedov
  36. Journal of Acoustical Society of America v.92 Ultrasonic scattering of a flat-bottom hole in immersion testing : an analytic model A.Sedov;L.W.Schmerr;S.J.Song
  37. Research in Nondestructive Evaluation v.3 DGS Diagrams and Frequency Response Curves for a flat-bottom hole : A model-based approach S.J.Song;L.W.Schmerr;A.Sedov
  38. The Reliability of Nondestructive Inspection M.G.Silk;A.M.Stoneham;J.A.G.Temple
  39. Research Techniques in Nondestructive Testing v.2 Sizing crack-like defects by ultrasonic means M.G.Silk;R.S.Sharpe(ed.)
  40. British Journal of NDT v.26 The use of diffraction based time-of-flight measurements to locate and size defects M.G.Silk
  41. Engineering Applications of Ultrasonic Time-of-Flight Diffraction J.P.Charlesworth;J.A.G.Temple
  42. Materials Evaluation v.42 Characterization of flaws in piping welds using satellite pulses G.J.Gruber;G.J.Hendrix;W.R.Schick
  43. IEEE Transactions on Sonics and Ultrasonics v.SU-31 Fundamentals of digital ultrasonic imaging C.F.Schueler;H.Lee;G.Wade
  44. Research Techniques in Nondestructive Testing v.VI Ultrasonic synthetic-aperture focusing techniques J.Seydel;R.S.Sharpe(ed.)
  45. Research Techniques in Nondestructive Testing v.VI Ultrasonic focusing techniques S.O.Harrold;R.S.Sharpe(ed.)
  46. Materials Evaluation v.40 Characterization of flaw location, shape, and dimensions with the ALOK system B.Grohs;O.A.Barbian;W.Kappes;H.Paul;R.Licht;F.W.Hoh
  47. An Introduction to Acoustical Holography B.P.Hildebrand;B.B.Brenden
  48. IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control v.37 Two-dimensional ultrasonic tomography in nondestructive evaluation by using area functions L.S.Koo;H.R.Shafiee;D.K.Hsu;S.J.Wormley;D.O.Thompson
  49. Journal of Applied Physics v.55 Reconstruction of inclusions in solids using ultrasonic Born inversion D.K.Hsu;J.H.Rose;D.O.Thompson
  50. IEEE Transactions of Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control v.UFFC-34 Reliability of reconstruction of arbitrarily oriented flaws using multiview transducers D.K.Hsu;D.O.Thompson;S.J.Wormley
  51. Wave Motion v.8 The time domain elastodynamic Kirchhoff approximation for cracks : the inverse problem A.Sedov;L.W.Schmerr
  52. Research in Nondestructive Evaluation v.1 A unified constrained inversion model for ultrasonic flaw sizing L.W.Schmerr;A.Sedov;C.P.Chiou
  53. Review of Progress in Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation v.7A Recent advances in Born Inversion(weak scatters) L.J.Bond;C.A.Chaloner;S.J.Wormley;S.P.Neal;J.H.Rose;D.O.Thompson(ed.);D.E.Chimenti(ed.)
  54. IEEE Proceedings v.134 Investigation of the 1-D inverse Born technique C.A.Chaloner;L.J.Bond
  55. Review of Progress in Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation v.4A Status of implementation of the inverse Born sizing algorithm R.B.Thompson;D.O.Thompson(ed.);D.E.Chimenti(ed.)
  56. Review of Progress in Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation v.11 Errors in determining the flaw centroid by using area functions J.Yang;L.J.Bond;D.O.Thompson(ed.);D.E.Chimenti(ed.)
  57. Journal of Acoustical Society of America v.92 no.1 New approaches to model-based ultrasonic flaw sizing C.P.Chious;L.W.Schmerr
  58. Journal of Nondestructive Evaluation v.11 no.2 Ultrasonic flaw classification in weldments using probabilistic neural networks S.J.Song;L.W.Schmerr
  59. Journal of the Korean Society for Nondestructive Testing v.15 no.2 An ultrasonic pattern recognition approach to welding defect classification S.J.Song
  60. Research in Nondestructive Evaluation v.4 An ultrasonic time-of-flight equivalent flaw sizing method S.J.Song;L.W.Schmerr