Landsat 자료를 이용한 금강하류의 충적주 환경변화에 관한 연구

  • 발행 : 1995.09.01


The study is focused on the analysis of geomorphological environment changes of alluvial bar in lower Kum river using satellite-based multitemporal/multisensor data. Landsat datas for environment changes analysis consists of Landset MSS(2 scenes) and Landset TM(7 scenes) acquired from 1979 to 1994. This study is to develop the analysis techniques for the environment change detection of using ratio, classification, false color composite etc, of Landsat data especially useful to the geomorphological study of tidal flats and river channels. The results of this study can be summarized as follows : 1. The lower Kum River alluvial bar have had rapid geomorphological changes after the construction of the temporary dam to block the river flowing in 1983. The most alluvial bar located in the river has both bankway growth, especially the allurival bar in the Lower Kum River had grown between 1983 to 1990. 2. After construction of the estuarine barrage, no remarkable geomorphological changes have been found in Kum River area but the growth and formation of new underwater bar has continued. The enormous materials was needed for the growth and formations of new underwater barrier oslands and bar would be supplied from the sea bottom and river sediment to diminish of stream velocity after construction of the estuarine barrage.



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