디벤아민에 의한 무스카린 수용체 아형의 불활성화

Inactivation of the Muscarinic Receptor Subtype by Dibenamine

  • 발행 : 1995.12.01


Dibenamine inhibited [$^{3}$H]quinuclidinyl benzilate ([$^{3}$H]QNB) binding in both concentration and incubation time-dependent manners. The $IC_{50}$/ value of dibenamine for the inhibition of the specific binding of 100 pM [$^{3}$'H]QNB following incubation of cerebral microsomes with dibenamine at 37.deg. C for 15 min was 20.mu.M. Dibenamine irreversibly decreased the binding site concentration for [$^{3}$H]QNB binding without affecting the affinity of [$^{3}$H]QNB for the muscarinic receptor. Analysis of the pirenzepine inhibition curve of [$^{3}$H]QNB binding to cerebral microsomes indicated the presence of two receptor subtypes with high(M$_{1}$ receptor, Ki=5nM) and low (M$_{2}$ receptor, Ki=160nM) affinity for pirenzepine. However, dibenamine(20.mu.M) treatment under the condition employed in these experiments caused steepening of the pirenzepine competition curve. The Ki value for pirenzepine in dibenamine treated-microsomes was approximately 120nM. suggesting a selective decrease in the number of M$_{1}$ receptor. Although dibenamine also inhibited [$^{3}$H]QNB binding to ventricular microsomes with $IC_{50}$/ value of 120.mu.M, the sensitivity for dibenamine in the ventricle was much lower than that in the cerebrum. These results indicate that dibenamine at low concentrations welectively inactivates the muscarinic M$_{1}$ receptor.



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