박태기나무엽의 페놀성분

Phenolic Compounds from Cercis chinensis Leaves

  • 발행 : 1995.12.01


Studies on the pharmaco-constituents from the leaves of Cercts chinensis which have been used for the treatment of inflammation, contusion, dilated blood, pain of heart and stomach, edema, etc. in Korean folk remedies were carried out. Dried leaves of the plant were extracted with MeOH. The MeOH extract was suspended in distilled water and subsequently fractionated with $Et_{2}O$ and n-BuOH. From the $Et_{2}O$ and n-BuOH fractions, six phenolic compounds were isolated and identified as myricitrin($C_{21}H_{20}O_{12}, {\;}m.p.{\;}199~200^{\circ}$. $4myricetin-3-O-{\alpha}-L-rhamnopyranoside$), kaempferol($C_{15}H_{10}O_{6}, {\;}m.p. 276^{\circ}$), quercetin($C_{15}Ha_{10}O_{7}, {\;}m.p.{\;}313~314^{\circ}$), quercitrin ($C_{21}H_{20}O_{12}, {\;}m.p.{\;}176~178^{\circ}, {\;}quercetin-3-O-{\alpha}-L-rhamnopyranoside$), gallicin ($C_{8}H_{8}O_{5}, {\;}m.p.{\;}202~203^{\circ}$. methyl gallate), gallic acid ($C_{7}H_{6}O_{5}, {\;}m.p.{\;}260~265^{\circ}) through their physico-chemical data and UV, IR, EI-MS, $^{13}C-NMR$, and $^{1}H-NMR$ analysis with authentics.



  1. 大韓植物圖鑑 李昌福
  2. 原色牧野日本植物圖鑑 v.2;3 牧野富太郞
  3. 韓國植物圖鑑(上) 鄭台鉉
  4. 韓國園藝植物圖鑑 尹平燮
  5. 國譯東醫寶鑑 具本泓
  6. 東醫學辭典
  7. 中藥大辭典 上海科學技術出板社
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