Cirsium속 식물로부터 새로운 polyacetylene의 분리

A Novel Polyacetylene from Cirsium spp.

  • 백남인 (한국인삼연초연구원 인삼효능부) ;
  • 박종대 (한국인삼연초연구원 인삼효능부) ;
  • 이유희 (한국인삼연초연구원 인삼효능부) ;
  • 정소영 (한국인삼연초연구원 인삼효능부) ;
  • 김신일 (한국인삼연초연구원 인삼효능부)
  • 발행 : 1995.06.01


A novel polyacetylene was isolated from Cirsium spp., as well as five known ones, and its chemical structure was determined as heptadeca-1-en-11.13-diyne-8R, 9S, 10R-triol(1) on the basis of spectral data and chemical reactions. $^{1}$H-and $^{13}$C-NMR data of these polyacetylenes were completely assigned by the appfication of 2D-NMR techniques.



  1. 도해 향약(생약) 대사전(식물편) 정보섭;신민교
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