대학생들의 혼전 성허용동에 관련된 변인들

Factors related to Sexual Permissiveness among University Students in Korea

  • 윤경자 (동의대학교 가정관리학과)
  • 발행 : 1995.08.01


Using 497 university students in Korea, this study investigates factors related to university students' sexual behaviors. Multiple regression analyses are performed to assess best model on premarital sexual behavior. the results indicate that there is no difference on the levels of premarital sexual behavior for males and females, except on sexual intercourse. While love for the partner and relationship aspects are best predictors for less experienced males and followed by dating experience, for less experienced females, situational aspects and their own and partner's chastity are positively and negatively related to premarital sexual behaviors of highly experienced males and females, respectively. Other variables related to sexual permissiveness, in general, by sex are also discussed.
