과긴장과 저긴장의 기전과 치료 -NDT approach를 중심으로-

The Mechanism and Treatment of the Hypertonus and Hypotonus

  • 안소윤 (지산간호보건전문대학 물리치료과)
  • Ahn So-Youn (Dept. of Physical Therapy, Jisan Junior Health College)
  • 발행 : 1995.08.01


Therapist have many troubles in the treatment of the patients who have a disorder in Centural Nerve System. It is the role of therapist that is to discriminate and control tone in the patients. In the case of hypertonus to be with hypotonus it is needed for therapist to inhibite the tonus properly without being influenced from the associated reaction. In this study the therapeutic control of the hypertonus and hypotonus through the Bobath approach is presented in detail. It is suggested that the holistic approach using the plasticity of patients base on the Bobath concept is to be used in the improvement of activities and functions of individual patients.
