Comparative Study Using MIC Test for Cefazedone and other First Generation Cephalosporins

1세대 세파계 항생제인 Cefazedone의 MIC Test를 통한 비교 연구

  • Bok, Hae-Sook (Department of Clinical Pharmacology Research Center, Samsung Medical Center and Samsung Biomedical Research Institute) ;
  • Kim, Myung-Min (Department of Clinical Pharmacology Research Center, Samsung Medical Center and Samsung Biomedical Research Institute) ;
  • Choi, Kyung-Eob (Department of Clinical Pharmacology Research Center, Samsung Medical Center and Samsung Biomedical Research Institute)
  • 복혜숙 (삼성의료원 약제부, 삼성생명과학연구소 임상약리학센터) ;
  • 김명민 (삼성의료원 약제부, 삼성생명과학연구소 임상약리학센터) ;
  • 최경업 (삼성의료원 약제부, 삼성생명과학연구소 임상약리학센터)
  • Published : 1995.12.01


The Minimum Inhibitory Concentration (MIC) of a first-generation cephalosporin derivative, Cefazedone (CZD; $PAZERON^R$ inj.) was determined by the two-fold serial agar dilution method. The in-vitro antibacterial activity of CZD against a wide variety of clinical isolates was compared with those of other first generation cephalosporins such as Methylol Cephalexin (CEX), Cefazolin (CEZ), Cefadroxil (CDX), Cephradine (CED), Ceftezol (CTZ) and one of second generation cephalsporin antibiotics, Cefotaxime (CTX). CZD had the most potent inhibitory effect against Gram-positive strains, when compared to the first-generation cephalosporin antibiotics tested in this study and CTX. The geometric MIC mean of CZD for Gram-positive strains was calculated as 0.386 kg/m{\ell}$, and those of CEX, CEZ, CDX, CTZ, CED, and CTX were 6.073, 0.894, 3.399, 0.748, 7.884 and 1.502 $kg/m{\ell}$, respectively. In addition, the geometric mean of CZD for staphylococclJs aureus strains was obtained as 0.340 $kg/m{\ell}$ and those of CEX, CEZ, CDX, CTZ, CED, and CTX 6.145, 0.534, 4.126, 0.442, 10.51, and 2.500 $kg/m{\ell}$, respectively. Against Gram-negative strains, CZD showed better antibacterial activity than CEZ, CDX, CTZ, and CED.
