A Study on the Interrelation between RAMYON DIET and Condition of Health in the Urban and Rural

도농간(都農間)의 라면식이(食餌)와 건강(健康)상태의 관련성(關聯性)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)

  • Kim Jin-Won (Dept. of Oriental Neuropsychiatry Wonkwang University) ;
  • Lyu Young-Su (Dept. of Oriental Neuropsychiatry Wonkwang University)
  • 김진원 (원광대학교 한의과대학 신경정신과 교실) ;
  • 류영수 (원광대학교 한의과대학 신경정신과 교실)
  • Published : 1995.11.28


To find out the difference of local characteristics, body and mental activity of Ramyon's habitual eater,THI guestion which is objects of students of high school in the city and country was carried. The results are as follows: 1.In comparison of eating and non-eating group of both male and female syudents, the mean value of eating group was high and showed the significance(P<0.001). 2. The eating group of city showed the higher mean value than country and it showed the significance(P<0.05). 3. In the eating group of city;the female had higher mean value than the male and showed no significance. In the eating group of city;the female had higher mean value than the male and showed significance(P<0.001). 4. In the eating group of male, the mean value of city was higher than country and showed significance(P<0.001). In the eating group of female, the mean value of city was igher than country, but showed no significance. As the results of the above,se know habitual eating of Ramyon give rise to spleen functional disouder and consepuently mental disorder resulting trom spirit-blood's original impediment and the variety of character, such varieties were different according to the characteristics of local and difference. Therefore, we'll study more detail aspents from now on.



  1. 黃帝內經靈樞釋解 楊維傑
  2. 張氏醫通 張로
  3. 最新食品加工學 朱鉉圭(外3入)
  4. 東醫神經精神科學會誌 v.1 地域間 學力考査와 知能에 대한 比較硏究 金貞和;柳熙英
  5. 本草綱目(下) v.22 李時珍
  6. 韓國食品學會誌 v.3 라면油賠의安定性에관한연구 崔弘植(外1人)
  7. 韓國食品科學會誌 v.3 몇가지 重要食品이 쥐의 生理에 미치는 影響 鄭鎬權(外 3人)
  8. 韓國食品科學會誌 v.4 油脂 含有 食品의 保存性에 관한 硏究 張賢基(外 1人)
  9. 東醫神經精神科學會誌 v.2 Coffee와 MMPI와의 關聯性 徐銀美
  10. Coffee와 健康調査表에 關한 硏究 轉朋熙
  11. 韓國食品科學會誌 v.4 崔弘植(外 1人)
  12. 最新臨床精神醫學 이근우(外)
  13. 東醫神經精神科學會誌 v.2 虛證이簡易精神診斷檢査에미치는 影響 邢完龍
  14. 東醫神經精神科學會誌 v.1 脾胃와 神志에 關한 文獻的 考察 姜炯旭
  15. 臟腑辨證論治 金完熙(外 1人)
  16. 한방 병리학(각론) 정우열
  17. 東西醫學 v.5 脾機能系에 關한 文獻的 硏究 梁東植
  18. 한국식문화학회지 v.4 서울 지역의 라면 消費資態 調査 김성곤(外1人)
  19. 한국식문화학회 秋季 심포지움 밀가루의品質 特性과 라면의 品質 김성곤
  20. 한국식문화학회추계 심포지움 麵類産業의 現況과 展望 신재익
  21. 內經病理學 최승훈
  22. 신경정신의학 v.23 Alcholism 患者의 人格特性에 관한연구(MMPI 를 중심으로) 조성남;이대회
  23. 大韓醫學學會誌 v.15 甘味가 脾胃에 미치는 影響 梁東植;金完熙
  24. 大田大韓醫學論文集 v.1 肥滿의 病因과 病機및 治法에 관한 文獻的 考察 趙洪健;金炳卓
  25. 粉食食餌와 健康調査表檢査에 관한 聯關性 硏究 李相根
  26. SAS統計活用 이긍희
  27. 한국식품학회지 v.6 라면,비스킷,및 쿠키속의 油脂成分의安定性에 관한 硏究 許泰錫;金東勳
  28. 營養學 김숙희(外 6人)
  29. 韓國營養學會誌 v.19 일부지역 노인의 영양 및 건강상태에 관한 연구 조영숙;임현숙
  30. 油化學 v.16 三浦
  31. 醫學のわゆみね v.99 新質問紙健康調査標THIの紹介 鈴木壓亮;柳幷晴夫;靑木繁伸
  32. 業醫學 v.17 自由記入ラによる心身の訴えの量と質 鈴木壓亮;柳幷晴夫;靑木繁伸
  33. 行動計量學 v.6 質問紙調査標 THIによる神經症 分裂病なとの 判別分析の 試み 鈴木壓亮;靑木繁伸;河正子;柳幷晴夫;細木熙敏
  34. 日本公衆衛生雜誌 v.26 コ一ネル 醫學指數と東大式 健康調査漂 THIの 關聯のについての 基礎的檢討 鈴木壓亮;靑木繁伸;草刈淳子
  35. 日本公衆 衛生雜誌 v.23 成人集團 における喫煙, 飮酒狀況と 諸自覺症狀 靑木繁伸;鈴木壓亮